
Russia Intelligencer 2008 September 16

Chess Champ Calls for Economic Sanctions Against Russia for Aggression in Georgia, Medvedev Sees Injustices in Western Response
Garry Kasparov has called for economic sanctions to reign in Russian power, though some analysts think it is improbable given the economic links between the U.S. and Russia (US has few economic levers against Russia).

In a recent speech, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev called responses of NATO and western nations to Russia’s incursion into Georgia unfair. He sticks to the line that Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili had gone “nuts” (Abdullaev).

OI Comment: The Russian line has been that it is protecting its citizens in South Ossetia from Georgian aggression. Russia previously offered citizenship to South Ossetians which was widely accepted. Nationalist movements in the region have been agitating to break from Georgia, and Georgian officials say their military moves in the region—still officially part of the country—has been to quell the rebellion and reestablish stability there. Somehow the Russian leaders see no similarity between this and their actions in Chechnya.

One of Medvedevs comments was that the west should stop seeing the Russian government as the successor of the Soviet Union. This is partly true. The Communists of the Soviet era felt the need to maintain the pretense of a republic serving its people. The currently Russian government is simply a dictatorship, nearly a Putin dictatorship, and saves its pretensions for foreign affairs.

Recent posts and articles related to Russia:
Khodorkovsky's [former oil magnate] Parole Request Denied (Popova, N., Moscow Times, 2008 Aug. 28)
In Lieu of Public Debate, Opposition Disagrees Over War (Chernov, S., St. Petersburg Times, 2008 Sept. 2)
Russian hackers continue attacks on Georgian sites (Svensson, P., Associated Press, 2008 Aug. 12)

Ablullaev, N. (2008 Sept. 15). Medvedev guests take tough message home. Moscow Times. http://www.themoscowtimes.com/article/600/42/370908.htm, accessed 2008 Sept. 16.

US has few economic levers against Russia. (2008 Aug. 16). Economic Times. http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/News/PoliticsNation/US_has_few_economic_levers_against_Russia/articleshow/3370126.cms, accessed 2008 Sept. 11.