
Blogspeak 2008 September 11

Back to School
Obama Takes His Daughters Back to School (Political Radar, ABC, 2008 Sept. 8)

McCain Up in Polls
New Poll Shows McCain Up; Palin To Give First Interview (Ververs, V., Horserace, CBS News, 2008 Sept. 8)

Obama’s Faith
Oops! Barack Obama says 'my Muslim faith' in interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos (Nickerson, M., Chicago Sun-Times, 2008 Sept. 8)

Palin and Feminism
Feminists Flip Out Over Palin (Newmark, B., Fox Forum, 2008 Sept. 8)

Palin’s Reception Among Republican Leaders
Rice Offers Less-Than-Hearty Palin Endorsement (Political Radar, ABC, 2008 Sept. 8)

President Bill Clinton
Barack Obama and Bill Clinton To Do Lunch Thursday (Chozik, A., Washington Wire, Wall Street Journal, 2008 Sept. 8)

Stupid Posts
Obama Military Service Claim Defies Credibility (“MCCAIN”, Right Pundits, 2008 Sept. 7)
OI Comments: Obama’s mention of signing up for Selective Service as a teenager is hardly a claim of military service. Every male American born since 1959 has been required to register upon reaching a certain age. Obama may have been stretching to find a way to connect to or communicate respect for military service, but he was hardly claiming to have served.

Incidentally, previous military service is not required to be a supporter of the military or commander-in-chief. Reagan broke the Soviets with a combination of military strength and economic pressure, but never served in the military. John Adams was not a military man, but he valued a strong military and his efforts in the Continental Congress helped keep George Washington’s little army going.

In contrast, great military officers don’t necessarily make great presidents. U.S. Grant was the great general of the civil war, but he was largely a flop as a political leader and businessman. Jimmy Carter was a successful Naval officer and in recent years made a name for himself as an author and peacemaker; his presidency might be seen as the low point in his career.