
Putin Intelligencer 2008 September 16

Aviation Industry
Putin recently approved a plan to integrate the Uzbekistan and Ukraine aviation enterprises into the Russian United Aircraft company and called for a focus on successful lines of aircraft. Russia will continue tariffs on western aircraft, providing relief only on small models (Karnozov).

Media, Russian Aggression in Georgia and Financial Markets
Putin called to task Russian journalists over their coverage of the Russo-Georgian Conflict, particularly the editor of one of the few national radio stations that airs opposition views. The station has apparently responded by pulling at least one guest and journalist off the air for their views and reporting that were critical of the government (Pan). Russian media are apparently so nervous that even a TV psychic can’t risk offending the prime minister (Krainova).

Putin continues to blame the U.S. for stirring the pot in Georgia (Radyuhin). He also said the dip in Russian financial markets were due to a reduction of liquidity (which the Russian government will cover if needed) partly affected slumps in the U.S. market, and clearly stated that it had nothing to do with action in Georgia (Wall).

The Thug Czar
The October 2008 issue of Vanity Fair contains a profile of Putin by Masha Gessen. Get it. Read it. Clip it (not from the library’s copy). Save it.

Putin will be giving judo lessons to French President Nicolas Sarkozy (Vladimir Putin to teach Nicolas Sarkozy judo).

OI anticipates lots of unusual news about Putin. There is so little to mitigate the whims of dictators.

Gessen, M. (2008 Oct.). Dead soul. Vanity Fair, pp. 336-338, 380-386.

Karnozov, V. (2008 Sept. 9). Putin tells Russian industry to face reality. Flight International. http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2008/09/15/315927/putin-tells-russian-industry-to-face-reality.html, accessed 2008 Sept. 16.

Krainova, N. (2008 Sept. 15). Knife, Munich, Putin on state TV. Moscow Times. http://www.themoscowtimes.com/article/600/42/370906.htm, accessed 2008 Sept. 16.

Pan, P. (2008 Sept. 15). In wake of Georgian war, Russian media feel heat. Washington Post, p. A14. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/09/14/AR2008091402249.html?hpid=moreheadlines, accessed 2008 Sept. 16.

Radyuhin, V. (2008 Sept. 15). Putin: U.S. spurred on Georgian offensive. Hindu. http://www.hindu.com/2008/09/15/stories/2008091555661400.htm, accessed 2008 Sept. 16.

Vladimir Putin to teach Nicolas Sarkozy judo. (2008 Sept. 15). Telegraph. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/russia/2963460/Vladimir-Putin-to-teach-Nicolas-Sarkozy-judo.html, accessed 2008 Sept. 16

Wall, T. (2008 Sept. 15). Putin and Medvedev differ on market ills. Moscow Times. http://www.themoscowtimes.com/article/600/42/370909.htm, accessed 2008 Sept. 16.