
Obama Intelligencer 2008 September 4

Accusations of Socialist Connections and Opposition Advertising
American Issues Project ads that attempt to link Obama to William Ayers have begun running in Virginia. The Obama campaign has answered with ads of its own and taken legal action to stop the ads (Farnum, Sizemore).

Endorsements: Foreign Socialist
Francois Hollande, leader of France’s Socialist Party, has endorsed Obama (France).

Vice-Presidential Candidate: Joe Biden
The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence praised the selection of Biden as Obama’s running mate based on the senator’s history of support for gun control laws (Senator Obama’s choice).

Farnum, T. W. (2008 Aug. 29). Legal controversy erupts over TV ads linking Obama to ‘60s radical. Wall Street Journal, p. A5. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB121996889132881757.html?mod=googlenews_wsj, accessed 2008 Sept. 3.

France: Socialist chief endorses Obama. (2008 Aug. 31). Associated Press in International Herald Tribune. http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2008/08/31/america/France-Socialists-Obama.php, accessed 2008 Sept. 3.

Senator Obama’s choice, Joe Biden, a good one for gun violence reduction. [News Release]. (2008 Aug. 25). Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. http://www.bradycampaign.org/media/release.php?release=1001, accessed 2008 Aug. 27.

Sizemore, B. (2008 Aug. 31). Fight for Virginians’ votes spills over into airwaves. Virginian-Pilot. http://hamptonroads.com/2008/08/fight-virginians-votes-spills-over-airwaves, accessed 2008 Sept 3.