
McCain Intelligencer 2008 September 26

Embryonic Stem Cell Research (Abortion and Health Care)
Supporters and opponents of embryonic stem cell research are concerned about McCain’s position. Opponents of the activity are concerned he may support it based on his voting record in the Senate. Proponents fear he may drop his support based on his selection of Palin and the strong plank to ban it in the Republican Party platform (Gaudiano).

Financial Markets
McCain said it was good that the government decided not to bail out Lehman Brothers and called for reform of disjointed federal financial regulation (Schroeder).

August has been the best month yet for McCain fundraising (Groppe).

A recent poll by the Siena Research Institute found that McCain is gaining in New York, but Obama still leads there (McCain gaining on Obama in New York). Another poll shows McCain leading in Ohio (Fargen). It’s a tie in Minnesota (Von Sternberg). For what its worth, he holds a lead among the Israeli Jewish population (Rosenfelder).

Social Security
McCain proposes to put place Social Security contributions into accounts that could be invested in the stock market. Obama calls the plan gambling (Acosta).

OI Comment: What McCain proposes is similar to what many people have now in their 401(k). Like other uninsured investments, this involves risk. It seems better to OI than Congress doing whatever it wants with the money with a shaky promise that it will pay the promised benefits somehow. It bears a strong resemblance to a Ponzi scheme; OI suspects it’s exactly that. Why not just drop the social security tax and let us do with the money as we will?

Acosta, J. (2008 Sept. 22). Obama: McCain wants to “gamble” with Social Security. CNN. http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/09/22/social.security.candidates/, accessed 2008 Sept. 26.

Fargen, J. (2008 Sept. 15). Suffolk poll shows McCain leading Obama in Ohio. Boston Herald. http://news.bostonherald.com/news/national/politics/2008/view/2008_09_15_Suffolk_poll_shows_McCain_leading_Obama_in_Ohio/srvc=home&position=recent, accessed 2008 Sept. 16.

Gaudiano, N. (2008 Sept. 13). Advocates worry McCain support for embryonic research may waver. USA Today. http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/election2008/2008-09-12-stem-cells-mccain_N.htm, accessed 2008 Sept. 26.

Groppe, M. (2008 Sept. 22). August tops for McCain, Obama fundraising. Indianapolis Star. http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080922/NEWS05/80922039, accessed 2008 Sept. 26.

McCain gaining on Obama in New York. (2008 Sept. 15). Buffalo Business First. http://www.bizjournals.com/buffalo/stories/2008/09/15/daily6.html, accessed 2008 Sept. 16.

Rosenfelder, S. (2008 Sept. 15). JPost.com readers favor McCain over Obama. Jerusalem Post. http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1221467181669&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull, accessed 2008 Sept. 16.

Schroeder, R. (2008 Sept. 15). Wall Street crisis spurs talk on campaign trail. Market Watch. http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/mccain-obama-urge-reform-wall/story.aspx?guid=%7BEB116219-02C3-4C44-9C94-34BF5B366A4A%7D&dist=msr_1, accessed 2008 Sept. 16.

Von Sternberg, B. (2008 Sept. 15). Minnesota poll: Obama, McCain are dead even in state. Minneapolis Star-Tribune. http://www.startribune.com/politics/national/president/28353589.html?elr=KArks7PYDiaK7DUoaK7D_V_eDc87DUiD3aPc:_Yyc:aUU, accessed 2008 Sept. 26.