
Russia Intelligencer 2008 Sepember 26

Kasparov Warns Against Investment in Russia
In a recent Wall Street Journal piece, Garry Kasparov warns in Russia, where the real law is Vladimir Putin, it’s a great risk for investors to put money into the faux democracy.

International Trade & Nuclear Materials
A committee of the Australian Parliament has recommended not proceeding with a planned sale of uranium to Russia (Aussie committee). (Previously mentioned on OI.)

Aussie committee opposes Russian uranium sales. (2008 Sept. 18). Star. http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2008/9/18/apworld/20080918141159&sec=apworld, accessed 2008 Sept. 26.

Kasparov, G. (2008 Sept. 19). Putin is ruining Russia’s economy. Wall Street Journal. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122178456456654879.html?mod=googlenews_wsj, accessed 2008 Sept. 26.

Blogspeak 2008 September 26

McCain: Obama Has "Not Provided" Leadership on Economic Crisis (Bentley, J., From the Road, CBS News, 2008 Sept. 22)

Obama Endorsement
Obama gets early endorsement (Rhee, F., Political Intelligence, Boston Globe, 2008 Sept. 22)

Vice-Presidential Candidate: Joe Biden
Biden’s Case Against McCain (And Sarah Palin) (Bruns, A., Embedded Producers, Fox News, 2008 Sept. 15)

Vice-Presidential Candidate: Sarah Palin
Gov. Palin on Wall Street (Wright et al, Political Radar, ABC News, 2008 Sept. 15)

Obama Intelligencer 2008 September 26

Campaign Spending and Fundraising
Obama’s campaign raised $66 million in August and has $77 million in the bank, but this is little compared to the goal of $200 million. From a funding point and party coordination point of view, Obama was hurt by the long battle for the Democratic nomination (Cummings, Groppe).

Financial Markets
In light of recent concerns over the financial markets, Obama has called for increased oversight of banks and streamlining of federal regulations over financial institutions (Schroeder).

Cummings, J. (2008 Sept. 14). Obama needs more cash to reach goals. Politico on CBS News. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/09/15/politics/politico/main4448530.shtml, accessed 2008 Sept. 16.

Groppe, M. (2008 Sept. 22). August tops for McCain, Obama fundraising. Indianapolis Star. http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080922/NEWS05/80922039, accessed 2008 Sept. 26.

Schroeder, R. (2008 Sept. 15). Wall Street crisis spurs talk on campaign trail. Market Watch. http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/mccain-obama-urge-reform-wall/story.aspx?guid=%7BEB116219-02C3-4C44-9C94-34BF5B366A4A%7D&dist=msr_1, accessed 2008 Sept. 16.

McCain Intelligencer 2008 September 26

Embryonic Stem Cell Research (Abortion and Health Care)
Supporters and opponents of embryonic stem cell research are concerned about McCain’s position. Opponents of the activity are concerned he may support it based on his voting record in the Senate. Proponents fear he may drop his support based on his selection of Palin and the strong plank to ban it in the Republican Party platform (Gaudiano).

Financial Markets
McCain said it was good that the government decided not to bail out Lehman Brothers and called for reform of disjointed federal financial regulation (Schroeder).

August has been the best month yet for McCain fundraising (Groppe).

A recent poll by the Siena Research Institute found that McCain is gaining in New York, but Obama still leads there (McCain gaining on Obama in New York). Another poll shows McCain leading in Ohio (Fargen). It’s a tie in Minnesota (Von Sternberg). For what its worth, he holds a lead among the Israeli Jewish population (Rosenfelder).

Social Security
McCain proposes to put place Social Security contributions into accounts that could be invested in the stock market. Obama calls the plan gambling (Acosta).

OI Comment: What McCain proposes is similar to what many people have now in their 401(k). Like other uninsured investments, this involves risk. It seems better to OI than Congress doing whatever it wants with the money with a shaky promise that it will pay the promised benefits somehow. It bears a strong resemblance to a Ponzi scheme; OI suspects it’s exactly that. Why not just drop the social security tax and let us do with the money as we will?

Acosta, J. (2008 Sept. 22). Obama: McCain wants to “gamble” with Social Security. CNN. http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/09/22/social.security.candidates/, accessed 2008 Sept. 26.

Fargen, J. (2008 Sept. 15). Suffolk poll shows McCain leading Obama in Ohio. Boston Herald. http://news.bostonherald.com/news/national/politics/2008/view/2008_09_15_Suffolk_poll_shows_McCain_leading_Obama_in_Ohio/srvc=home&position=recent, accessed 2008 Sept. 16.

Gaudiano, N. (2008 Sept. 13). Advocates worry McCain support for embryonic research may waver. USA Today. http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/election2008/2008-09-12-stem-cells-mccain_N.htm, accessed 2008 Sept. 26.

Groppe, M. (2008 Sept. 22). August tops for McCain, Obama fundraising. Indianapolis Star. http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080922/NEWS05/80922039, accessed 2008 Sept. 26.

McCain gaining on Obama in New York. (2008 Sept. 15). Buffalo Business First. http://www.bizjournals.com/buffalo/stories/2008/09/15/daily6.html, accessed 2008 Sept. 16.

Rosenfelder, S. (2008 Sept. 15). JPost.com readers favor McCain over Obama. Jerusalem Post. http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1221467181669&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull, accessed 2008 Sept. 16.

Schroeder, R. (2008 Sept. 15). Wall Street crisis spurs talk on campaign trail. Market Watch. http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/mccain-obama-urge-reform-wall/story.aspx?guid=%7BEB116219-02C3-4C44-9C94-34BF5B366A4A%7D&dist=msr_1, accessed 2008 Sept. 16.

Von Sternberg, B. (2008 Sept. 15). Minnesota poll: Obama, McCain are dead even in state. Minneapolis Star-Tribune. http://www.startribune.com/politics/national/president/28353589.html?elr=KArks7PYDiaK7DUoaK7D_V_eDc87DUiD3aPc:_Yyc:aUU, accessed 2008 Sept. 26.


Blogspeak 2008 September 16

Financial Markets
Wall Street crisis: this should be Barack Obama's moment (Martin, I. Telegraph, Eagle Eye, 2008 Sept. 15)

Homeland Security Secretary Draws Attention to State of Infrastructure (Infrastructure Watch, 2008 Sept. 11)
New Orleans Still At Risk Post-Katrina Even as Public Concern Fades (Infrastructure Watch, 2008 Sept. 11)

John McCain
McCain playing it safe (The Presidential Election Blog 2008, 2008 Sept. 5)

Obama Campaign on the Attack
Obama Questions McCain’s ‘Honor’ (Timiraos, N., Wall Street Journal, Washington Wire, 2008 Sept. 15)

Russo-Georgian Conflict
Russia beaten by little Georgia (Bookman, J., Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 2008 Sept. 15)
Russians React to Putin’s ‘08 Remark (Shirwitz, M., New York Times, The Lede, 2008 Sept. 15)

Swing States
Turnaround in Virginia? SurveyUSA finds Obama lead (On Politics, USA Today, 2008 Sept. 15)

Vice-Presidential Candidate: Joe Biden
Biden delivering major speech attacking McCain as “Bush 44” (You Decide 2008, 2008 Sept. 15)
Biden ramps up attack dog role in Obama campaign (Reuters, Tales from the Trail, 2008 Sept. 15)
Press Section of Biden's Plane Is 'Totally Deserted' (National Review Online, The Campaign Spot, 2008 Sept. 15)

Vice-Presidential Candidate: Sarah Palin
Palin Outlines Four-Point Focus In McCain Administration (Conroy, S., On the Road, CBS News, 2008 Sept. 15)
Vice Presidential Candidate Gov. Sarah Palin (AK) Full Speech at the RNC (Presidential Election 2008, 2008 Sept. 9)

Policy and Food 2008 August

Policy & Food Update 2008 August 4
Policy & Food Update 2008 August 5
Policy & Food Update 2008 August 12
Policy & Food Update 2008 August 18
Policy & Food Update 2008 August 20
Policy & Food Update 2008 August 25

Putin Intelligencer 2008 September 16

Aviation Industry
Putin recently approved a plan to integrate the Uzbekistan and Ukraine aviation enterprises into the Russian United Aircraft company and called for a focus on successful lines of aircraft. Russia will continue tariffs on western aircraft, providing relief only on small models (Karnozov).

Media, Russian Aggression in Georgia and Financial Markets
Putin called to task Russian journalists over their coverage of the Russo-Georgian Conflict, particularly the editor of one of the few national radio stations that airs opposition views. The station has apparently responded by pulling at least one guest and journalist off the air for their views and reporting that were critical of the government (Pan). Russian media are apparently so nervous that even a TV psychic can’t risk offending the prime minister (Krainova).

Putin continues to blame the U.S. for stirring the pot in Georgia (Radyuhin). He also said the dip in Russian financial markets were due to a reduction of liquidity (which the Russian government will cover if needed) partly affected slumps in the U.S. market, and clearly stated that it had nothing to do with action in Georgia (Wall).

The Thug Czar
The October 2008 issue of Vanity Fair contains a profile of Putin by Masha Gessen. Get it. Read it. Clip it (not from the library’s copy). Save it.

Putin will be giving judo lessons to French President Nicolas Sarkozy (Vladimir Putin to teach Nicolas Sarkozy judo).

OI anticipates lots of unusual news about Putin. There is so little to mitigate the whims of dictators.

Gessen, M. (2008 Oct.). Dead soul. Vanity Fair, pp. 336-338, 380-386.

Karnozov, V. (2008 Sept. 9). Putin tells Russian industry to face reality. Flight International. http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2008/09/15/315927/putin-tells-russian-industry-to-face-reality.html, accessed 2008 Sept. 16.

Krainova, N. (2008 Sept. 15). Knife, Munich, Putin on state TV. Moscow Times. http://www.themoscowtimes.com/article/600/42/370906.htm, accessed 2008 Sept. 16.

Pan, P. (2008 Sept. 15). In wake of Georgian war, Russian media feel heat. Washington Post, p. A14. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/09/14/AR2008091402249.html?hpid=moreheadlines, accessed 2008 Sept. 16.

Radyuhin, V. (2008 Sept. 15). Putin: U.S. spurred on Georgian offensive. Hindu. http://www.hindu.com/2008/09/15/stories/2008091555661400.htm, accessed 2008 Sept. 16.

Vladimir Putin to teach Nicolas Sarkozy judo. (2008 Sept. 15). Telegraph. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/russia/2963460/Vladimir-Putin-to-teach-Nicolas-Sarkozy-judo.html, accessed 2008 Sept. 16

Wall, T. (2008 Sept. 15). Putin and Medvedev differ on market ills. Moscow Times. http://www.themoscowtimes.com/article/600/42/370909.htm, accessed 2008 Sept. 16.

Russia Intelligencer 2008 September 16

Chess Champ Calls for Economic Sanctions Against Russia for Aggression in Georgia, Medvedev Sees Injustices in Western Response
Garry Kasparov has called for economic sanctions to reign in Russian power, though some analysts think it is improbable given the economic links between the U.S. and Russia (US has few economic levers against Russia).

In a recent speech, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev called responses of NATO and western nations to Russia’s incursion into Georgia unfair. He sticks to the line that Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili had gone “nuts” (Abdullaev).

OI Comment: The Russian line has been that it is protecting its citizens in South Ossetia from Georgian aggression. Russia previously offered citizenship to South Ossetians which was widely accepted. Nationalist movements in the region have been agitating to break from Georgia, and Georgian officials say their military moves in the region—still officially part of the country—has been to quell the rebellion and reestablish stability there. Somehow the Russian leaders see no similarity between this and their actions in Chechnya.

One of Medvedevs comments was that the west should stop seeing the Russian government as the successor of the Soviet Union. This is partly true. The Communists of the Soviet era felt the need to maintain the pretense of a republic serving its people. The currently Russian government is simply a dictatorship, nearly a Putin dictatorship, and saves its pretensions for foreign affairs.

Recent posts and articles related to Russia:
Khodorkovsky's [former oil magnate] Parole Request Denied (Popova, N., Moscow Times, 2008 Aug. 28)
In Lieu of Public Debate, Opposition Disagrees Over War (Chernov, S., St. Petersburg Times, 2008 Sept. 2)
Russian hackers continue attacks on Georgian sites (Svensson, P., Associated Press, 2008 Aug. 12)

Ablullaev, N. (2008 Sept. 15). Medvedev guests take tough message home. Moscow Times. http://www.themoscowtimes.com/article/600/42/370908.htm, accessed 2008 Sept. 16.

US has few economic levers against Russia. (2008 Aug. 16). Economic Times. http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/News/PoliticsNation/US_has_few_economic_levers_against_Russia/articleshow/3370126.cms, accessed 2008 Sept. 11.


September 11 Memorials (2008 September 11)

9/11 remembrance ceremonies in central New York, WSYR-TV
9/11 Remembrance Events, WLNS-TV
Dispatches from 9/11 memorials around the area, Fort Meyers News-Press
Events mark the 7th anniversary of 9/11, Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Firefighters remember fallen brothers, Bangor Daily News
Flags at half-staff in Va. for 9/11 remembrance, Richmond Times-Dispatch
Motorcyclists hope to create a lasting 9/11 tribute in Troy, St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Presidential candidates to join 9/11 remembrance, Associate Press on KYTX-TV
Scott County Commission plans Sept. 11 tribute, Southeast Missourian
Sept. 11 memories still fresh, Naperville Sun
Solemn remembrance: Ceremonies, prayer to mark 9/11 milestone, Laconia Citizen
Somerset County [NJ] officials and citizens gather in remembrance of 9/11
Walks slated in remembrance of 9-11, Canton Repository

Obama Intelligencer 2008 September 11

Obama has suggested he would delay reversing what are called the “Bush tax cuts” because it might somehow be harmful to the economy, though he has no plans to extend them beyond their scheduled expiration (Barack Obama says he would delay rescinding Bush tax cuts if economy slips into recession).

Vice-Presidential Candidate: Joe Biden, Comments on Israel
Biden affirmed Israel’s right to self-defense and self-governance, saying it needed no permission from the U.S. to take action against nuclear facilities in Iran. (US Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden says Israel free to attack).

Barack Obama says he would delay rescinding Bush tax cuts if economy slips into recession. (2008 Sept. 7). Associated Press in Minneapolis Star-Times. http://www.startribune.com/politics/national/president/27970719.html?elr=KArksLckD8EQDUoaEyqyP4O:DW3ckUiD3aPc:_Yyc:aUUJ, accessed 2008 Sept. 11.

US Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden says Israel free to attack. (2008 Sept.6). Pakistan Daily. http://www.daily.pk/world/worldnews/7160-us-democratic-vice-presidential-candidate-joe-biden-says-israel-free-to-attack-iran.html, accessed 2008 Sept. 11.

Blogspeak 2008 September 11

Back to School
Obama Takes His Daughters Back to School (Political Radar, ABC, 2008 Sept. 8)

McCain Up in Polls
New Poll Shows McCain Up; Palin To Give First Interview (Ververs, V., Horserace, CBS News, 2008 Sept. 8)

Obama’s Faith
Oops! Barack Obama says 'my Muslim faith' in interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos (Nickerson, M., Chicago Sun-Times, 2008 Sept. 8)

Palin and Feminism
Feminists Flip Out Over Palin (Newmark, B., Fox Forum, 2008 Sept. 8)

Palin’s Reception Among Republican Leaders
Rice Offers Less-Than-Hearty Palin Endorsement (Political Radar, ABC, 2008 Sept. 8)

President Bill Clinton
Barack Obama and Bill Clinton To Do Lunch Thursday (Chozik, A., Washington Wire, Wall Street Journal, 2008 Sept. 8)

Stupid Posts
Obama Military Service Claim Defies Credibility (“MCCAIN”, Right Pundits, 2008 Sept. 7)
OI Comments: Obama’s mention of signing up for Selective Service as a teenager is hardly a claim of military service. Every male American born since 1959 has been required to register upon reaching a certain age. Obama may have been stretching to find a way to connect to or communicate respect for military service, but he was hardly claiming to have served.

Incidentally, previous military service is not required to be a supporter of the military or commander-in-chief. Reagan broke the Soviets with a combination of military strength and economic pressure, but never served in the military. John Adams was not a military man, but he valued a strong military and his efforts in the Continental Congress helped keep George Washington’s little army going.

In contrast, great military officers don’t necessarily make great presidents. U.S. Grant was the great general of the civil war, but he was largely a flop as a political leader and businessman. Jimmy Carter was a successful Naval officer and in recent years made a name for himself as an author and peacemaker; his presidency might be seen as the low point in his career.

McCain Intelligencer 2008 September 11

The New York Post has endorsed McCain. The Post endorsement contrasts the major candidates differences on national security (including their responses to terrorism and events in Iraq, Iran and Georgia), taxes, trade and energy (Post endorses John McCain).

Some of those closest to McCain include Mark Salter, a speech writer who has helped shape the candidate’s image, Charles Black, a former lobbyist, Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, and Orson Swindle, who was a POW with McCain in Viet Nam (Halloran).

Polls: McCain Takes Lead
In a recent USA Today/Gallup poll, Mcain took a lead over Obama 50 percent to 46 percent (Baldwin & Booth, Page). A CNN/Time poll showed the candidates to be tied (McCain, Obama tied).

Vice-Presidential Candidate: Sarah Palin
Some public relations experts think Palin presents an appealing story and image, but it doesn’t solve all of McCain’s image problems (Sunnucks). Pollsters found that about half of Americans had a favorable impressions of Palin, though this was higher among independents and much higher among Republicans. Even though a majority of those polled thought she was a good pick, fewer than half thought she had the experience for the job (Langer).

Baldwin, T., & Booth, J. (2008 Sept. 8). John McCain overtakes Barack Obama in opinion polls. The Times. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/us_elections/article4703189.ece, accessed 2008 Sept. 9.

Halloran, L. (2008 Sept. 8). McCain relies on tight-knit circle of confidants to guide his campaign. U.S. News & World Report. http://www.usnews.com/articles/news/campaign-2008/2008/09/08/mccain-relies-on-a-tight-knit-circle-of-confidants-to-guide-his-campaign.html, accessed 2008 Sept. 10.

Langer, G. (2008 Sept. 5). Highly partisan reception greets Palin as V.P. pick. ABC News. http://abcnews.go.com/PollingUnit/story?id=5725793&page=1, accessed 2008 Sept. 9.

McCain, Obama tied in U.S. opinion polls. (2009 Sept. 9). Reuters India. http://in.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idINIndia-35378820080908, accessed 2008 Sept. 10.

Page, S. (2008 Sept. 8). Poll: Convention lifts McCain over Obama. USA Today. http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/election2008/2008-09-07-poll_N.htm?loc=interstitialskip, accessed 2008 Sept. 9.

Post endorsed John McCain. (2008 Sept. 8). New York Post. http://www.nypost.com/seven/09082008/postopinion/editorials/post_endorses_john_mccain_128044.htm, accessed 2008 Sept. 10.

Sunnucks, M. (2008 Sept. 5). Palin’s brand shakes up presidential race. Phoenix Business Journal. http://www.bizjournals.com/phoenix/stories/2008/09/01/daily50.html, accessed 2008 Sept. 9.

Courts Intelligencer 2008 September 11

Recent posts and articles on activities in the courts:

Court rulings could settle water war (Shelton, S., Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 2008 August 21)
Water Resources News (Infrastructure Watch Blog, 2008 Aug. 27)


Blogspeak 2008 September 4

McCain’s Comments on Western Water Resources Compact
McCain in hot water out west (Plenty, 2008 Aug. 22)
On the Eve of the Convention, an Opening for Obama in Colorado? (Romano, A., Stumper, Newsweek, 2008 Aug. 21)

Republican National Convention
How a Curtailed Convention Helps McCain (Romano, A., Stumper, Newsweek, 2008 Sept. 1)

Vice Presidential Candidates: Joe Biden and Sarah Palin
“Gorgeous” Joe Biden Praises “Good Looking” GOP VP (Bruns, A., Embeded Producers, Fox News, 2008 Aug. 31)

Obama Intelligencer 2008 September 4

Accusations of Socialist Connections and Opposition Advertising
American Issues Project ads that attempt to link Obama to William Ayers have begun running in Virginia. The Obama campaign has answered with ads of its own and taken legal action to stop the ads (Farnum, Sizemore).

Endorsements: Foreign Socialist
Francois Hollande, leader of France’s Socialist Party, has endorsed Obama (France).

Vice-Presidential Candidate: Joe Biden
The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence praised the selection of Biden as Obama’s running mate based on the senator’s history of support for gun control laws (Senator Obama’s choice).

Farnum, T. W. (2008 Aug. 29). Legal controversy erupts over TV ads linking Obama to ‘60s radical. Wall Street Journal, p. A5. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB121996889132881757.html?mod=googlenews_wsj, accessed 2008 Sept. 3.

France: Socialist chief endorses Obama. (2008 Aug. 31). Associated Press in International Herald Tribune. http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2008/08/31/america/France-Socialists-Obama.php, accessed 2008 Sept. 3.

Senator Obama’s choice, Joe Biden, a good one for gun violence reduction. [News Release]. (2008 Aug. 25). Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. http://www.bradycampaign.org/media/release.php?release=1001, accessed 2008 Aug. 27.

Sizemore, B. (2008 Aug. 31). Fight for Virginians’ votes spills over into airwaves. Virginian-Pilot. http://hamptonroads.com/2008/08/fight-virginians-votes-spills-over-airwaves, accessed 2008 Sept 3.

Putin Intelligencer 2008 September 4

International Trade & Nuclear Materials
Putin has announced that Russia will be withdrawing from some agreements it made during negotiations to join the World Trade Organization, saying they are no longer in Russia’s interest. This could signal an intent to reverse some reforms made when Putin handed the presidency to Medvedev (Shuster).

Australia has balked at ratifying a deal to sell uranium to Russia after its recent aggressions in Georgia. Russian officials have pushed back, saying the uranium deal and the Russo-Georgian war are unrelated and that backing out of the deal could be harmful to Australia’s economy (Flitton & Nicholson).

Unusual: Tigers and Bears, Oh My!
Putin visited a wildlife reserve to view a rare tiger that had been captured. The tiger escaped and the Russion Prime Minister snatched up a rifle and shot the beast with a tranquilizer dart, saving a television crew. (Putin wields tranquilizer gun).

OI isn’t generally cynical, but we wouldn’t put anything past Putin. What tiger is he planning to tame next? I can almost see already the mural of triumphant Putin, lovingly kissing the vanquished tiger the way he lovingly watches over the nations he has brought under Russian protection, 50 feet high on the side of some new public building in the USSR—um, Russian Federation.

Flitton, D., & Nicholson, B. (2008 Sept. 2). Putin’s ultimatum to Rudd over uranium deal. The Age. http://www.theage.com.au/national/putins-ultimatum-to-rudd-over-uranium-deal-20080901-4770.html, accessed 2008 Sept. 4.

Putin wields tranquilizer gun at escaped tiger. (2008 Sept. 3). NPR. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=94223446, accessed 2008 Sept. 4.

Shuster, S. (2008 Aug. 25). Putin says no advantages for Russia from WTO. Guardian. http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/feedarticle/7750592, accessed 2008 Aug. 25.

McCain Intelligencer 2008 September 4

McCain drew fire for comments indicating support for a renegotiation of the multi-state compact that governs water use on the Colorado River. McCain says his comments were misunderstood and he does not support a change of the agreement (Wyatt).

Vice-Presidential Selection
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin will be the Republican vice-presidential candidate. Some have suggested that she is a double portion of appeal, being attractive to both evangelicals who have previously supported Republicans and blue collar families that had supported Hillary Clinton’s run for the presidency (McCain’s secret woman business).

McCain’s secret woman business. (2008 September 1). Sydney Morning Herald. http://www.smh.com.au/news/world/mccain146s-secret-woman-business/2008/09/01/1220121053338.html, accessed 2008 September 4.

Wyatt, K. (2008 August 20). McCain now says Western water pact should stand. Associated Press in National Examiner. http://www.examiner.com/a-1546777~McCain_now_says_Western_water_pact_should_stand.html, accessed 2008 August 21.