
Russia Intelligencer 2008 November 29

Kasparov Predicts Quick End to Medvedev Presidency
Opposition leader Garry Kasparov has predicted that the financial crisis will bring about unrest that will end the presidency of Dmitry Medvedev within 18 months (Kasparov predicts).

Opposition Leaders Meet
Notable opposition leaders met to coordinate their efforts to prevent changes to the Russian constitution, including extension of presidential terms, and to bring down the present regime (Wendle).

Presidential Term Extended to Six Years
The Duma approved a bill to extend presidential terms to 6 years. Interestingly, all Communist Party members in the Duma voted against the bill on its first reading of three. The bill would also extend terms of Duma members to 5 years (Malpas, Nowak, Wendle).

Kasparov predicts short Medvedev presidency, mass protests (2008 Nov. 17). RIA Novosti. http://en.rian.ru/russia/20081117/118358740.html, accessed 2008 Nov. 29.

Malpas, A. (2008 Nov. 17). Duma backs 6-year presidential term. Moscow Times. http://www.moscowtimes.ru/article/1010/42/372406.htm, accessed 2008 Nov. 29.

Nowak, D. (2008 Nov. 14). Russian lawmakers back extending presidential term. Associated Press. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5jPsRzMy3_geQb7l75K7KZ6iNTizQD94EUGQ80, accessed 2008 Nov. 29.

Wendle, J. (2008 Nov. 24). Big names miss Solidarity meeting. Moscow Times. http://www.themoscowtimes.com/article/1010/42/372566.htm, accessed 2008 Nov. 29.