
Obama Intelligencer 2008 November 13

Environment and Foreign Affairs: Canada, Cuba, Iran, Israel, Russia
Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon announced that, with the coming of the Obama administration, his government will place a renewed emphasis on reaching a climate and emissions deal with the U.S. The agreement would focus on creating a common carbon market (Canada eyes climate deal with Obama). American environmentalists hope Obama will act as check against movements in Congress to ease the way for drilling in what are now protected areas (Rascoe).

Some have speculated that Obama’s promise to ease relations with Cuba could weaken the position of its Communist dictator, Raul Castro. Much of the Castro regime’s power and influence, beginning with Castro’s brother and predecessor, Fidel, has been fueled by its defiant stance toward the U.S. (Snow).

Israeli leaders have expressed concern over Obama’s suggestion that he will open relations with Iran. Israel was one of the few countries where McCain was viewed more favorably during the campaign (Defner).

Russia is carefully eyeing an Obama presidency. There aren’t signals of major policy changes toward Russia, but Obama’s worldwide popularity could signal a more sympathetic reception of America’s opinion on issues of interest to Russia (Cornwell).

Fanciers of the Peruvian Hairless, Peru’s national dog, have offered a pup to the Obamas. One of the president-elect’s daughters is allergic to dogs, so the hairless (and sometimes toothless) dog, may be a good fit (Wade). The Obama’s have expressed an interest in adopting a shelter dog if they can find one that is suitable.

Canada eyes climate deal with Obama. (2008 Nov. 6). Associated Press on CBS. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/11/06/tech/livinggreen/main4577673.shtml?source=RSSattr=SciTech_4577673, accessed 2008 Nov. 13.

Cornwell, S. (2008 Nov. 10). Obama careful in response to mixed Kremlin signals. Reuters. http://www.reuters.com/article/reutersEdge/idUSTRE4A97PN20081110, accessed 2008 Nov. 13.

Defner, L. (2008 Nov. 7). In Israel, some anxious about Obama. U.S. News & World Report. http://www.usnews.com/articles/news/world/2008/11/07/in-israel-some-anxieties-about-obama.html, accessed 2008 Nov. 13.

Rascoe, A. (2008 Nov. 10). Environmentalists look to Obama to limit drilling. Reuters. http://www.reuters.com/article/environmentNews/idUSTRE4A97OB20081110, accessed 2008 Nov. 13.

Snow, A. (2008 Nov. 9). Analysis: Obama changes could test Castros' grip. Associated Press. http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5j5E57Ht_Oz6aUvha4i_xGwM_HbDgD94ASGMO2, accessed 2008 Nov. 13.

Wade, T. (2008 Nov. 10). Peru offers bald dog of Incas to Obama family. Reuters UK. http://uk.reuters.com/article/lifestyleMolt/idUKTRE4A97H820081110, accessed 2008 Nov. 13.