
McCain Intelligencer 2008 June 9

McCain has been endorsed by Florida governor Charlie Crist (Stratton).

Environmental Policy
McCain has recently been leading the polls in Florida, where he stated his commitment to preserving the Everglades on a trip to Orlando. He previously voted a against a federal Everglades protection measure because it was part of a bill he found to be too full of projects he could not support (Stratton).

Swing State: Michigan
Traditionally a state that supports Democratic presidential candidates, Michigan, with its large number of electors, has been identified as state that may go Republican this year. McCain’s strengths in the state include his favorable standing with independent voters and his opponent’s weakness among white workers (Trowbridge).

Stratton, J. (2008, June 6). John McCain visits Orlando—says he is “committed” to saving Everglades. Orlando Sentinal. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/community/news/lakebuenavista/orl-mmcain0608jun06,0,1925050.story, accessed June 6, 2008.

Trowbridge, G. (2008, June 6). Obama, McCain vie for Michigan swing vote. Detroit News. http://www.detnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080606/POLITICS01/806060372, accessed June 6, 2008.