
Major Candidate Comparison

(Updated 2008 Oct. 30)


-Opposes with limited exceptions.



-Generally opposes subsidy and tax credit programs, seeing them mainly as favors to special interests
-Favors allowing market solutions to energy problems
-Favors development of nuclear power
--Called for construction of 45 new nuclear power plants by 2030
--Favors Yucca Mountain nuclear waste storage plan
-Has supported allowing new offshore drilling for oil, but has not been consistent in this position

-Favors federal government investment in alternative fuels and energy technologies
--Has close ties to ethanol producers, particularly corn ethanol
-Proposes funding of alternative fuels programs
-Favors development of nuclear power contingent on development of safer ways to dispose of waste
--Opposes Yucca Mountain nuclear waste storage plan
-Initally opposed offshore drilling for oil, but later made provisions for it in energy plan


-Air & Climate
--Long supported climate change measures
--Favors 60 percent reduction in emissions by 2050
--Supports nuclear power development as part of climate change response
--Favors incentives for development of hybrid and other low-emissions automobiles

-Air & Climate
--Favors 80 percent reduction in emissions by 2050
--Favors cap and trade proposals
--Favors incentives for development of hybrid and other low-emissions automobiles

Health Care

-Proposes tax credit for health care for individuals and families.

-Aims for universal coverage through employer supplemented programs providing benefits similar to those received by federal employees.
-Proposes a tax credit for small businesses for up to 50 percent of the premiums they pay on behalf of their employees.


-Opposes direct talks.
-Supports sanctions.

-Supports direct diplomatic contact; scaled back from early position of face-to-face talks with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.


-Previously opposed Bush tax cuts, now proposes to make them permanent.
-Calls for 25 percent cut in corporate taxes.
-Calls for balanced federal budget.

-Calls for increased taxes for some, tax breaks for others.


-Free trade supporter.
-Supports free trade agreement with Colombia.

-Proposes to renegotiate NAFTA to include environmental and labor standards.
-Opposes proposed free trade agreement with Colombia,

War in Iraq

-Supported war.
-Critical of Bush handling.
-Opposes troop withdrawal.
-Early proponent of surge.
-Anticipates long-term American presence in Iraq, eventually as peacekeepers.

-Consistently opposed war.
-Opposed surge.
-Calls for withdrawal by end of 2009.

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