
Obama Intelligencer 2008 August 25

Accusations of Socialist Connections and Opposition Advertising
Harold Simmons, a Dallas billionaire who previously funded attack ads against John Kerry, will be funding ads raising questions about Obama’s connections to William Ayers (Slater & Jeffers).

Vice-Presidential Selection
U.S. Senator Joe Biden has been selected as Obama’s running mate. New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine has picked as his favorite (Corzine likes Biden).

Corzine likes Biden for Obama’s VP. (2008 August 20). Newsday. http://www.newsday.com/news/local/wire/newjersey/ny-bc-nj--xgr-corzine-veeps0820aug20,0,2222585.story, accessed 2008 August 20.

Slater, W., & Jeffers, G. (2008 August 23). Dallas billionaire Harold Simmons finances anti-Obama ad. Dallas Morning News. http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/news/politics/national/stories/082408dnpolobamaad.69811d3.html, accessed 2008 August 25.