Democratic National Convention
DNC Convention Speeches Day 2 - Including Keynote Mark Warner, Hillary Clinton, and Eleanor Holmes Norton (2008 Central, 2008 Aug. 26)
Sen. Hillary Clinton
Clinton says election isn't about her (Presidential Election 2008, 2008 Aug. 27)
Hillary's Speech (2008 Presidential Election Blog, 2008 Aug. 26)
Michelle Obama Meets With Hillary Clinton In Denver (Gavrilovic, M., From the Road, CBS News, 2008 Aug. 26)
Vice-Presidential Candidate: Joe Biden
Joe Biden loves RIAA, DRM; hates encryption, George Bush (Nusca, A., Toy Box, ZDNet, 2008 Aug. 25)
Joe Biden: Loves to Talk, Hates to ‘Ask’ (Cooper, C., Washington Wire, Wall Street Journal, 2008 Aug. 25)
The Mess in Mississippi, Redux: The Joe Biden Connection? (Slater, D., Law Blog, Wall Street Journal, 2008 Aug. 24)