In a recent visit to Jerusalem, former Arkansas governor and presidential candidate Mike Huckabee stated that McCain has a stronger vision of Israeli self-defense than his opponent (Lefkovits).
McCain has slipped passed Obama, gaining a 5 point lead, according to a recent Reuters/Zogby poll. When asked who was better prepared to lead the country, McCain’s lead jumped to 9 points (McCain takes lead over Obama). A Los Angeles Times-Bloomberg poll should the two major candidates to be statistically even (Harnden).
Harnden, T. (2008 August 20). John McCain topples Barack Obama’s poll lead. Telegraph., accessed 2008 August 20.
Lefkovits, E. (2008 August 18). Huckabee: McCain stronger on Israeli security. Jerusalem Post., accessed 2008 August 20.
McCain takes lead over Obama. (2008 August 20). AOL News., accessed 2008 August 20.