
President-Elect Intelligencer 2008 December 11

Chief of Staff—Rahm Emanuel, former congressman from Chicago area
Deputy Budget Director—Rob Nabors
Secretary of State—Hillary Clinton, senator from New York and former first lady
Social Secretary—Desiree Rogers (West).

Attorney General—Eric Holder
National Security Advisor—James Jones
Secretary of Commerce—Bill Richardson, governor of New Mexico
Secretary of Homeland Security—Janet Napolitano, governor of Arizona
Secretary of Veterans Affairs—Anthony Brown, lieutenant governor of Maryland (West).

Foreign Affairs: Cuba
Speculation continues that an Obama administration will seek to improve relations with Cuba (Williams).

West, P. (2008 Nov. 30). Obama’s picks mirror his multicultural background. Baltimore Sun. http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/nation/bal-te.west30nov30,0,6641011.story, accessed 2008 Dec. 9.

Williams, M. (2008 Nov. 3). Obama to ease Cuba policy? Austin American-Statesman. http://www.statesman.com/news/content/news/stories/world/11/30/1130obamacuba.html, accessed 2008 Dec. 9.