
Obama Intelligencer 2008 July 7

Questions persist about Obama’s birth and whether it might disqualify him to hold the office of president (As Obama stonewalls…).

Vice-Presidential Speculation
Possible running mates for Obama include Sen. Jim Webb, Sam Nunn, Sen. Joseph Biden and Sen. Evan Bayh (McManus).

As Obama stonewall on uncertified birth certificate, official doubts mount. (2009 June 28). Israeli Insider. http://web.israelinsider.com/Articles/Politics/12944.htm, accessed 2008 June 30.

McManus, D. (2008 June 29). Obama and McCain search for running mates. Los Angeles Times. http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-na-veepstakes30-2008jun30,0,7191880.story, accessed 2008 June 30.