
Obama Intelligencer 2008 July 24

Obama’s fundraising efforts are seriously outpacing McCain’s. He will be the first candidate to run a privately financed presidential campaign since 1976 (Morain, Salant).

Though Americans considered him to be a riskier choice, Obama led the race in a recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll (Murray).

War in Iraq, Afghanistan
After visiting Iraq and Afghanistan, among other places, Obama persists in calling for a scheduled withdrawal from Iraq and shift of resources to Afghanistan (Nichols and Faiez).

Morain, D. (2008 July 21). McCain in a race to raise and spend money by Labor Day. Los Angeles Times. http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-na-money21-2008jul21,0,1399269.story, accessed 2008 July 21.

Murray, M. (2008 July 23). NBC/WSJ poll: Obama keeps lead over McCain. MSNBC. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25816799/, accessed 2008 July 24.

Nichols, M., & Faiez, M. K. (2008 July 21). Obama sticks to his goal of swift Iraq withdrawal. Los Angeles Times. http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/washingtondc/la-fg-obama21-2008jul21,0,3927730.story, accessed 2008 July 24.

Salant, J. (2008 July 21). Obama raised more than McCain, didn’t outspend him (update 3). Bloomberg. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601070&sid=aQwcbLtdxwH0&refer=home, accessed 2008 July 24.

McCain Intelligencer 2008 July 24

Obama’s fundraising efforts are seriously outpacing McCain’s. Recent reports reveal that some of McCain’s major supporters are from financial services, gambling and energy. McCain intends to accept federal funding of his general election campaign; he must spend his funds from the primaries before his official nomination at the Republican convention (Morain, Salant).

McCain lagged in a recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, even though people considered Obama to be a riskier choice for president. McCain faired worse when third party candidates Bob Barr and Ralph Nader were included (Murray).

Phil Gramm stepped down as co-chair of the McCain campaign. His resignation was prompted by his statements regarding the economy in which he said that the U.S. was in a “mental recession” and a “nation of whiners.” McCain refuted the remarks (Rohter, Cooper).

Cooper, M. (2008 July 11). McCain advisor refers to “nation of whiners.” New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/11/us/politics/11campaign.html?fta=y, accessed 2008 July 21.

Morain, D. (2008 July 21). McCain in a race to raise and spend money by Labor Day. Los Angeles Times. http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-na-money21-2008jul21,0,1399269.story, accessed 2008 July 21.

Murray, M. (2008 July 23). NBC/WSJ poll: Obama keeps lead over McCain. MSNBC. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25816799/, accessed 2008 July 24.

Rohter, L. (2008 July 19). McCain co-chairman, under fire, steps aside. New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/19/us/politics/19mccain.html?_r=1&adxnnl=1&oref=slogin&ref=us&adxnnlx=1216673967-zW3zVG876NOQMCpJagpn9g, accessed 2008 July 21.

Salant, J. (2008 July 21). Obama raised more than McCain, didn’t outspend him (update 3). Bloomberg. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601070&sid=aQwcbLtdxwH0&refer=home, accessed 2008 July 24.


McCain Intelligencer 2008 July 15

Poll: Opinion of McCain shifts from “about right” toward “too conservative”
A Gallup poll show that from February to June, opinions of McCain have shifted more toward that he is too conservative (Morales).

Social Security
McCain called the present state of affair in the Social Security program, in which younger workers are paying the benefits of retirees, a “disgrace.” He suggested he might approve of other funding mechanisms, including individual accounts (Wallsten).

Morales, L. (2008 July 11). Fewer Americans See McCain, Obama Views as “About Right.” Gallup. http://www.gallup.com/poll/108775/Fewer-Americans-See-McCain-Obama-Views-About-Right.aspx, accessed 2008 July 15.

Walsten, P. (2008 July 14). McCain takes a Social Security risk. Los Angeles Times. http://www.latimes.com/business/la-na-mccainsocial14-2008jul14,1,3491915.story, accessed 2008 July 14.

Obama Intelligencer 2008 July 15

Afghanistan, Iraq and War on Terror
Obama criticized the Karzai government of Afghanistan for not doing enough to implement the basic functions of government and stabilize the nation. He also criticized the Bush administration for dividing its efforts, diverting resources to Iraq and allowing al-Queda and the Taliban to regroup in Afghanistan (Obama says he would execute bin-Laden). The candidate has long opposed the war in Iraq, having made it an issue in the primaries. He has proposed reducing forces in a Iraq, leaving enough to help fight al-Queda, within 16 months and adding as many as 10,000 troops to Afghanistan (Hall & Nichols).

Health Care
Obama proposed a tax credit for small businesses for up to 50 percent of the premiums they pay on behalf of their employees (Roug).

Poll: Opinion of Obama shifts from “about right” to “too liberal”
A Gallup poll show that from February to June, opinions of Obama have shifted more toward that he is too liberal. Still, the most common response was “about right” (43 percent in June) (Morales).

Morales, L. (2008 July 11). Fewer Americans See McCain, Obama Views as “About Right.” Gallup. http://www.gallup.com/poll/108775/Fewer-Americans-See-McCain-Obama-Views-About-Right.aspx, accessed 2008 July 15.

Hall, C., & Nichols, H. (2008 July 14). Obama Urges Shifting Focus From Iraq to Afghanistan (Update1). Bloomberg. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aE6JSzRJpiw0&refer=home, accessed 2008 July 15.

Obama says he would execute bin-Laden. (2008 July 12). Birmingham Star. http://story.birminghamstar.com/index.php/ct/9/cid/420d9e49bcaa69d0/id/381452/cs/1/, accessed 2008 July 14.

Roug, L. (2008 July 14). Obama proposes health care tax credits for small businesses. Los Angeles Times. http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-campaign14-2008jul14,0,7130939.story, accessed 2008 July 15.


Policy and Politics Blogs and Websites

Inclusion of links does not constitute an endorsement or claim by OI. The content of these other sites is the responsibility of their writers, editors or operators. OI hopes to update this list from time to time, but you may still find broken or misdirected links on the list.

Amended 2008 August 13

American Water Resources Association Blog
American Water Works Association’s President’s Blog
The Campaign Spot
Common Agricultural Policy
Congressional Budget Office Director’s Blog
Congressional Budget Office Publications
Crazy for Liberty
Environmental Law Professor Blog
Evolution of Security (Transportation Security Administration blog)
First Read
Farm Aid: Around the Kitchen Table
Food & Water Watch
Food Law Prof Blog
Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa
From The Road: CBSNews.com
The Gavel (Speaker of the House blog)
Government Accountability Office Reports
Green Issues
Greenversations (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency blog)
Infrastructure Watch
Mera Bharat Mahan
PA Editors Blog
People's Weekly World Blog
Political Buzz
Politics and Food (Rachel C. Dechenne)
Policy and Food
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Open Intelligencer
Secretary of Health and Humans Services blog
Texas Water Resources Institute
U.S. Food Policy
Water and Wastewater Blog
Water for the Ages
Water News Update
Water Wired
Welcome to the Fast Lane (Secretary of Transportation blog)
World Socialist Web Site (International Committee of the Fourth International)


Capitalist Quotations

The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.
-Winston Churchill

There is simply no other choice than this: either to abstain from interference in the free play of the market, or to delegate the entire management of production and distribution to the government. Either capitalism or socialism: there exists no middle way.
-Ludwig von Mises, Liberalism

McCain Intellegencer 2008 July 7

Senator Joseph Lieberman, former Democrat and now independent from Connecticut, supports McCain (Lieberman says McCain ready to lead). Jeffrey T. Kuhner made the case for McCain in his Washington Times column based on his stands on the war in Iraq and opposition to abortion.

Polls: People Think McCain is Old
The answer most volunteered when people were asked about McCain was “old” (Poll…).

The word the first comes to OI’s mind when seeing polls like this is “fruitless.”

Vice-Presidential Speculation
Possible running mates for McCain include Sen. Joseph Lieberman, Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, Mitt Romney and Sen. John Thune (McManus).

Kuhner, J. (2008 July 6). The case for McCain. Washington Times. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2008/jul/06/the-case-for-mccain-97682785/, accessed 2008 July 7.

Lieberman says McCain ready to lead. (2008 June 29). United Press International. http://www.upi.com/Top_News/2008/06/29/Lieberman_says_McCain_ready_to_lead/UPI-94841214781601/, accessed 2008 June 30.

McManus, D. (2008 June 29). Obama and McCain search for running mates. Los Angeles Times. http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-na-veepstakes30-2008jun30,0,7191880.story, accessed 2008 June 30.

Poll: Old used most for McCain, change for Obama. (2008 July 7). Associated Press. http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5jPRCDqOiUhGhI2rO9u2DftwSikDQD91OUN100, accessed 2008 June 7.

Obama Intelligencer 2008 July 7

Questions persist about Obama’s birth and whether it might disqualify him to hold the office of president (As Obama stonewalls…).

Vice-Presidential Speculation
Possible running mates for Obama include Sen. Jim Webb, Sam Nunn, Sen. Joseph Biden and Sen. Evan Bayh (McManus).

As Obama stonewall on uncertified birth certificate, official doubts mount. (2009 June 28). Israeli Insider. http://web.israelinsider.com/Articles/Politics/12944.htm, accessed 2008 June 30.

McManus, D. (2008 June 29). Obama and McCain search for running mates. Los Angeles Times. http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-na-veepstakes30-2008jun30,0,7191880.story, accessed 2008 June 30.