
Blogspeak 2008 August 25

Democratic Party
2008 Democratic Convention Schedule, Aug 25-28 (You Decide 2008, 2008 August 20)

Obama’s European Tour
Reflections on Obama’s Tour (Communist Part USA, ’08 Elections, 2008 July 31)

Obama’s Position on Abortion
'The doctor continues to think that it's nonviable but there's, let's say, movement..' (National Review Online, The Campaign Spot, 2008 August 21)

Senator Hillary Clinton
McCain hunts Clinton supporters (2008 Hopefuls, 2008 June 28)
What Not To Read Into: Pronoun Edition (2008 Central, 2008 August 19)

Vice-Presidential Speculation, Selection & Commentary
The Early Word: Running Mates, of All Sorts (New York Times, The Caucus, 2008 August 23)
What Not To Read Into: Pronoun Edition (2008 Central, 2008 August 19)

Obama Intelligencer 2008 August 25

Accusations of Socialist Connections and Opposition Advertising
Harold Simmons, a Dallas billionaire who previously funded attack ads against John Kerry, will be funding ads raising questions about Obama’s connections to William Ayers (Slater & Jeffers).

Vice-Presidential Selection
U.S. Senator Joe Biden has been selected as Obama’s running mate. New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine has picked as his favorite (Corzine likes Biden).

Corzine likes Biden for Obama’s VP. (2008 August 20). Newsday. http://www.newsday.com/news/local/wire/newjersey/ny-bc-nj--xgr-corzine-veeps0820aug20,0,2222585.story, accessed 2008 August 20.

Slater, W., & Jeffers, G. (2008 August 23). Dallas billionaire Harold Simmons finances anti-Obama ad. Dallas Morning News. http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/news/politics/national/stories/082408dnpolobamaad.69811d3.html, accessed 2008 August 25.

Congressional Intelligencer 2008 August 25

Recent Posts and Articles on Congressional Activity:

Activity in U.S. Congress (Infrastructure Watch, 2008 August 18)
Science Tracer Bullet: Wind Power (Library of Congress)


Book Reviews

46 Pages by Scott Liell
Common Sense by Thomas Paine
Government, Politics and Public Administration Book Reviews
Reading Room: God Wants You to Be Rich by Paul Zane Pilzer
Recommended Reading: F.A. Hayek's Road to Serfdom

McCain Intelligencer 2008 August 21

In a recent visit to Jerusalem, former Arkansas governor and presidential candidate Mike Huckabee stated that McCain has a stronger vision of Israeli self-defense than his opponent (Lefkovits).

McCain has slipped passed Obama, gaining a 5 point lead, according to a recent Reuters/Zogby poll. When asked who was better prepared to lead the country, McCain’s lead jumped to 9 points (McCain takes lead over Obama). A Los Angeles Times-Bloomberg poll should the two major candidates to be statistically even (Harnden).

Harnden, T. (2008 August 20). John McCain topples Barack Obama’s poll lead. Telegraph. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/uselection2008/johnmccain/2592093/John-McCain-topples-Barack-Obamas-poll-lead.html, accessed 2008 August 20.

Lefkovits, E. (2008 August 18). Huckabee: McCain stronger on Israeli security. Jerusalem Post. http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1218710395015&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull, accessed 2008 August 20.

McCain takes lead over Obama. (2008 August 20). AOL News. http://news.aol.com/elections/article/mccain-takes-lead-over-obama/141577?icid=200100397x1207639031x1200429890, accessed 2008 August 20.


Putin Intelligencer 2008 August 20

War in Georgia
Georgians fleeing the South Ossetia region claim Russian soldiers told them to flee or be killed, indicating Putin had given orders to clear the region of Georgians (Halpin).

Real Power in Russia
Though Putin is now premier, he still acts like president. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has been relatively quiet on the action in Georgia and diplomacy with the west. In contrast, Putin has been to visit refugees who fled to Russian, leaving the Olympic games (where he spoke to U.S. President George Bush) to do so, and sat in on Medvedev’s negotiations with the French-led coalition to end the Russo-Georgian conflict (Kolesnichenko).

Halpin, T. (2008 August 18). Putin has given us an order that everyone must leave or be shot. London Times. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article4553499.ece, accessed 2008 August 19.

Kolesnichenko, A. (2008 August 18). Best supporting actor in a lead role. Transitions Online. http://www.tol.cz/look/TOL/article.tpl?IdLanguage=1&IdPublication=4&NrIssue=282&NrSection=4&NrArticle=19864, accessed 2008 August 20.

Courts Intelligencer 2008 August 20

Recent posts and articles on activities in the courts:

Water Resources News (2008 August 19)
Question of right to water central in Lanier case (Stacy Shelton, Atlanta Journal-Consitution, Aug. 12, 2008)

Policy and Food Updates 2008 July

Policy & Food Update 2008 July 31
Policy & Food Update 2008 July 28
Policy & Food Update 2008 July 21
Policy & Food Update 2008 July 14
Policy & Food Update 2008 July 10
Policy & Food Update 2008 July 7


Democratic Party Intelligencer 2008 August 13

Convention News
Sen. Hillary Clinton is expected to headline the Democratic Convention on August 26 (Pickler). This may be in spite of plans of Clinton supporters to hold rallies at the convention and President Bill Clinton’s reluctance to actively support Obama (Walsh).

Pickler, N. (2008 August 10). Clinton to headline second night of convention. Associated Press. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080810/ap_on_el_pr/democratic_convention, accessed 2008 August 12.

Walsh, K. T. (2008 August 7). Despite Obama’s efforts, Clinton supporters won’t fade away. U.S. News & World Report. http://www.usnews.com/articles/news/campaign-2008/2008/08/07/despite-obamas-efforts-clinton-supporters-wont-fade-away.html, accessed 2008 August 12.

Putin Intelligencer 2008 August 13

War in Georgia
America has begun to airlift Georgian troops, returning them home where they have been recalled. Putin said this move would hamper efforts to solve the Russo-Georgian conflict over South Ossetia (Putin assails US). Speaking on state television, the Russian Prime Minister, and former President, claimed that Russian actions in Georgia were a logical extension of the peace-keeping mission in South Ossetia and accused western nations of cynicism and having a cold war mentality (Russian PM criticizes US, Putin criticizes US).

Some have reported that Russia is calling for the democratically-elected president of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili, to step down (Abromowitz & Lynch). Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov dismissed this claim, but in the same speech accused Saakashvili of war crimes (Champion, Osborn & McKinnon).

Georgia is situated between Russia and the Black Sea. It has an oil pipeline and is the only serious competition to Russian control of oil in the Caspian Sea region.

Abramowitz, M., & Lynch, C. (2008 August 11). Bush, Cheney increasingly critical of Russia over aggression in Georgia. Washington Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/08/10/AR2008081002311.html, accessed 2008 August 12.

Champion, M., Osborn, A., & McKinnon, J.D. (2008 August 11). Russia widens attack on Georgia. Wall Street Journal, p. A1. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB121834170757727521.html?mod=hps_us_whats_news, accessed 2008 August 12.

Putin assails US over conflict with Georgia. (2008 August 11). Associate Press. http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5hV2N6fVKS5slf10A13Dj_uIdaZ4QD92G1R5O0, accessed 2008 August 12.

Putin criticizes US over South Ossetia. (2008 August 11). Reuters. http://www.reuters.com/article/featuredCrisis/idUSLB34651, accessed 2008 August 12.

Russian PM criticizes US, West. (2008 August 11). TVNZ. http://tvnz.co.nz/view/page/536641/1996622, accessed 2008 August 12.

Presidential Intelligencer 2008 August 13

War in Georgia
President Bush has condemned Russian military action in Georgia, calling it unacceptable and disproportionate (Putin: US impedes Georgian military ops).

Links to various articles and posts covering recent Presidential activity:
Bill Action: At the President's Desk: H.R. 3221: Foreclosure Prevention Act of 2008

Putin: US impedes Georgian military ops. (2008 August 11). Press TV. http://www.presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=66262&sectionid=351020602, accessed 2008 August 12.

Recommended Reading

The Constitution of the United States of America
The Declaration of Independence

Edwin Black IBM and the Holocaust
-----War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race
F. A. Hayek The Road to Serfdom
Scott Liell 46 Pages
Thomas Paine Common Sense
Walker Percy Love in the Ruins
-----The Thanatos Syndrome

Congressional Intelligencer 2008 August 13

Links to various articles and posts covering recent activity in Congress:

Bill Action: Introduced: H.R. 6630: To prohibit the Secretary of Transportation from granting authority to a motor carrier...
Bill Action: Introduced: H.R. 6670: To open areas of the Outer Continental Shelf to oil and gas leasing, to direct the...
Bill Action: Introduced: H.R. 6679: To amend the Water Resources Development Act of 2007 to provide for reimbursement for...
Bill Action: Introduced: S. 3319: A bill to amend title 23, United States Code, to require corrosion mitigation and...
Bill Action: Introduced: S. 3443: A bill to amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to update a program to provide...
Bill Action: Introduced: S. 3366: A bill to protect, conserve, and restore native fish, wildlife, and their natural...
Bill Action: Introduced: S.Res. 631: A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the Senate has lost confidence...
Bill Action: Passed House: H.R. 3999: National Highway Bridge Reconstruction and Inspection Act of 2007
Bill Action: Passed Senate: H.R. 2095: Federal Railroad Safety Improvement Act of 2007 (Passed Both Chambers)
Bill Action: Scheduled for Debate: H.R. 6658: Disaster Response, Recovery, and Mitigation Enhancement Act of 2008
Bridge Corrosion Bill Introduced
Clean Water Affordability Act Introduced to Senate
Geosequestration of Carbon Dioxide Faces Opposition
House Passes National Highway Bridge Reconstruction and Inspection Act
Long-Term Energy Assurance and Security Act Introduced in House
Recent Federal Activity


Obama Intelligencer 2008 August 5

Actress Gwyneth Paltrow has endorsed Obama (Dawar, Swaine).

Energy and Environment
Obama has reverse his position and proposed to allow some offshore drilling (Chozik, Obama’s drill bit).

Obama has a large lead over McCain among low income workers according to a poll conducted by the Washington Post, the Kaiser Family Foundation and Harvard University. They also found that most of these workers thought their financial situation would not be changed by the outcome of the election (Obama leads McCain).

Chozik, A. (2008 August 4). Obama offers support for offshore drilling. Wall Street Journal, p. A4. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB121769917863707497.html?mod=special_page_campaign2008_topbox, accessed 2008 August 5.

Dawar, A. (2008 August 4). Gwyneth Paltrow urges US expats to vote for Barack Obama. The Guardian. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/aug/04/uselections2008.usa, accessed 2008 August 5.

Obama leads McCain among low-income workers: poll. (2008 August 4). Reuters. http://www.reuters.com/article/politicsNews/idUSN0339387820080804, accessed 2008 August 5.

Obama’s drill bit. (2008 August 4). Wall Street Journal, p. A12. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB121780648308808375.html?mod=googlenews_wsj, accessed 2008 August 5.

Swaine, J. (2008 August 4). Gwyneth Paltrow films ad for Barack Obama. The Telegraph. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/uselection2008/barackobama/2497142/Gwyneth-Paltrow-films-ad-for-Barack-Obama.html, accessed 2008 August 5.

McCain Intelligencer 2008 August 5

China spoke out against McCain when he recent met with the Dalai Lama when the Tibetan leader was visiting the United States. McCain has been a critic of China’s human rights record in Tibet (China says concerned, China swipes).

Polls and Israel
Some recent polls show McCain running almost even with Obama in several states. McCain was seen as stronger in leadership skills (Marinnuci). While Obama is favored in many foreign nations, one where McCain is favored is Israel (Keinon).

Vice-Presidential Speculation
Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty is still spoken of as a potential running mate (Kranish).

China says concerned by McCain, Dalai Lama meeting. (2008 July 28). SwissInfo. http://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/news/international/China_says_concerned_by_McCain_Dalai_Lama_meeting.html?siteSect=143&sid=9383566&cKey=1217230685000&ty=ti, accessed 2008 August 4.

China swipes at McCain over Dalai Lama visit. (2008 July 27). AFP. http://afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5j8R7rtB4yRRAO2yLlURjw407Am9Q, accessed 2008 August 4.

Keinon, H. (2008 August 4). McCain still leads Obama…in Israel. Jerusalem Post. http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1215331181183&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull, accessed 2008 August 5.

Kranish, M. (2008 July 28). Minn. governor rides his rapport with McCain. Boston Globe. http://www.boston.com/news/politics/2008/articles/2008/07/28/minn_governor_rides_his_rapport_with_mccain/, accessed 2008 August 4.

Marinnuci, C. (2008 July 28). McCain has reason to smile as he visits state. San Francisco Chronicle. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/07/28/MN4111VKKQ.DTL&type=politics, accessed 2008 August 4.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn Passes 2008 August 3

Russian author Alexander Solzhenitsyn died on August 3, 2008. He was Nobel Prize-winning author of novels and nonfiction and an opponent of Soviet oppression. Though he opposed the Stalinist government, he was a reformer in the Russian mold and not an advocate of the Western-style democracy or capitalism. Articles and obituaries are linked below.

Nobel Prize-Winning Russian Author Dies
Solzhenitsyn, chronicler of Soviet gulag, dies