
Obama Intelligencer 2008 July 24

Obama’s fundraising efforts are seriously outpacing McCain’s. He will be the first candidate to run a privately financed presidential campaign since 1976 (Morain, Salant).

Though Americans considered him to be a riskier choice, Obama led the race in a recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll (Murray).

War in Iraq, Afghanistan
After visiting Iraq and Afghanistan, among other places, Obama persists in calling for a scheduled withdrawal from Iraq and shift of resources to Afghanistan (Nichols and Faiez).

Morain, D. (2008 July 21). McCain in a race to raise and spend money by Labor Day. Los Angeles Times. http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-na-money21-2008jul21,0,1399269.story, accessed 2008 July 21.

Murray, M. (2008 July 23). NBC/WSJ poll: Obama keeps lead over McCain. MSNBC. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25816799/, accessed 2008 July 24.

Nichols, M., & Faiez, M. K. (2008 July 21). Obama sticks to his goal of swift Iraq withdrawal. Los Angeles Times. http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/washingtondc/la-fg-obama21-2008jul21,0,3927730.story, accessed 2008 July 24.

Salant, J. (2008 July 21). Obama raised more than McCain, didn’t outspend him (update 3). Bloomberg. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601070&sid=aQwcbLtdxwH0&refer=home, accessed 2008 July 24.