
President-Elect Intelligencer 2008 December 18

Economic Stimulus
Earlier this month, at a meeting of the National Governors Association, governors solicited Obama’s support for over $136 billion in projects. The governors’ proposal includes a lot of infrastructure improvements, which they say they can get started quickly and will create jobs (Obama pledges to work with governors on economy). The announcement of Obama’s support for the program sparked a rally in the price of some commodities (Shenk).

Foreign Affairs: Bolivia, Cuba
The advent of new administration is spurring many to push for a new approach to Cuba. Many are seeking to normalize relations with America’s Caribbean neighbor and see a potential for change under Obama (Chang, Richter).

Bolivian’s are also hoping Obama and their own new chief executive may be able to strike a friendlier pose. Bolivia is a source of coca (from which we get cocaine), a traditional crop of native Bolivians that has been a source of tension with the U.S. (Keane).

Ambassador to the United Nations—Susan Rice
“Climate Czar”—Carol Browner, former Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator
Council of Environmental Quality Head—Nancy Sutley, deputy mayor of Los Angeles
EPA Administrator—Lisa Jackson, chief of staff for New Jersey Governor John Corzine
Secretary of Defence—Robert Gates, currently serving in this role
Secretary of Energy—Steven Chu, head of Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory
Secretary of Health and Human Services—Tom Daschle, former Senate majority leader (Beale; Muskal; Obama names environmental team; Obama names national security team; Raffaele).

War in Afghanistan
Obama is continuing his plan to refocus military efforts on Afghanistan, and reducing the American presence in Iraq, by adding 10,000 troops in the nation where the counterinsurgency effort has carried on for seven years. This addition is not expected to be as effective as the surge Iraq because Afghanistan has a less developed infrastructure, more rugged landscape, and insurgents receive support for groups in neighboring Pakistan (Gordon).

Beale, J. (2008 Dec. 7). US health reform gains momentum. BBC. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7768608.stm, accessed 2008 Dec. 18.

Chang, J. (2008 Dec. 14). Shift in Cuba policy anticipated under Obama. Miami Herald. http://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics/AP/story/812398.html, accessed 2008 Dec. 18.

Gordon, M. (2008 Dec. 1). Afghan strategy poses stiff challenge for Obama. New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/02/world/asia/02strategy.html?_r=1&ref=us, accessed 2008 Dec. 18.

Keane, D. (2008 Dec. 15). Bolivians hope Obama, an outsider, heals US rift. Associated Press. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5hK5_rh7E38XaUgK-_mwkeYCxyIrQD952M6LG0, accessed 2008 Dec. 18.

Muskal, M. (2008 Dec. 15). Obama announces choices for key environmental and energy posts. Los Angeles Times. http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/washingtondc/la-na-obama16-2008dec16,0,2027165.story, accessed 2008 Dec. 18.

Obama names environmental team. (2008 Dec. 16). E-Mainstream. http://www.awwa.org/publications/MainStreamArticle.cfm?itemnumber=43696, accessed 2008 Dec. 18.

Obama names national security team including Clinton, Gates (2008 Dec. 2). Dallas Morning News. http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/news/nation/stories/DN-cabinet_02nat.ART.State.Edition2.298e736.html, accessed 2008 Dec. 18.

Obama pledges to work with governors on economy. (2008 Dec. 2). CNN. http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/12/02/transition.wrap/, accessed 2008 Dec. 18.

Raffaele, R. (2008 Dec. 8). Obama taps Susan Rice for UN ambassador position. Voice of America. http://www.voanews.com/english/2008-12-08-voa20.cfm, accessed 2008 Dec. 18.

Richter, P. (2008 Dec. 13). Obama presidency could change the rules on Cuba. Los Angeles Times. http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-fg-uscuba13-2008dec13,0,5895951.story, accessed 2008 Dec. 18.

Shenk, M. (2008 Dec. 8). Oil, copper rise for first time in seven days on Obama stimulus. Bloomberg. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601081&sid=axxZdToCmBQU&refer=australia, accessed 2008 Dec. 19.

Blogspeak 2008 December 18

Illinois Governor Rod Blagojavich
Obama: Review Finds No ‘Inappropriate’ Contacts With Blagojevich (Zeleny, J., The Caucus, New York Times, 2008 Dec. 15)

Infrastructure & Environment
Economic Stimulus Package Would Increase Energy Funding (Infrastructure Watch, 2008 Dec. 8)
Economic Stimulus Package Would Increase Environmental Funding (Infrastructure Watch, 2008 Dec. 8)
Economic Stimulus Package Would Increase Transportation Funding (Infrastructure Watch, 2008 Dec. 8)
Emanuel States Support for Infrastructure Spending (Infrastructure Watch, 2008 Dec. 11)
Governors Call for Federal Infrastructure Investment (Infrastructure Watch, 2008 Dec. 8)

United Nations Intelligencer 2008 December 18

Obama Names Choice for U.N. Abassador
President-elect Barack Obama has nominated Susan Rice to serve as Ambassador to the U.N. (Obama names national security team).

Web Security & Anonymity
A U.N. agency is working on standards, proposed by China, to trace back the sources of internet communication. While there may be legitimate reasons to track such communications to prevent or investigate crime and terrorism, some are concerned about potential abuse (U.N. agency eyes).

OI Comment: Let’s not whitewash the issue. Some governments will abuse this power if they achieve it. Totalitarian governments, like China’s, will absolutely abuse it.

Obama names national security team including Clinton, Gates (2008 Dec. 2). Dallas Morning News. http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/news/nation/stories/DN-cabinet_02nat.ART.State.Edition2.298e736.html, accessed 2008 Dec. 18.

U.N. agency eyes web anonymity controls. (2008 Sept. 12). CBS News. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/09/12/tech/cnettechnews/main4443738.shtml?source=RSSattr=SciTech_4443738, accessed 2008 Sept. 26.


President-Elect Intelligencer 2008 December 11

Chief of Staff—Rahm Emanuel, former congressman from Chicago area
Deputy Budget Director—Rob Nabors
Secretary of State—Hillary Clinton, senator from New York and former first lady
Social Secretary—Desiree Rogers (West).

Attorney General—Eric Holder
National Security Advisor—James Jones
Secretary of Commerce—Bill Richardson, governor of New Mexico
Secretary of Homeland Security—Janet Napolitano, governor of Arizona
Secretary of Veterans Affairs—Anthony Brown, lieutenant governor of Maryland (West).

Foreign Affairs: Cuba
Speculation continues that an Obama administration will seek to improve relations with Cuba (Williams).

West, P. (2008 Nov. 30). Obama’s picks mirror his multicultural background. Baltimore Sun. http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/nation/bal-te.west30nov30,0,6641011.story, accessed 2008 Dec. 9.

Williams, M. (2008 Nov. 3). Obama to ease Cuba policy? Austin American-Statesman. http://www.statesman.com/news/content/news/stories/world/11/30/1130obamacuba.html, accessed 2008 Dec. 9.


Russia Intelligencer 2008 December 3

Defense and Foreign Affairs: United States, Venezuela
Russian and Venezuelan naval vessels will be participating in join war games the Caribbean Sea. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev will also be visiting Brazil, Venezuela and Cuba. There is speculation that Russia may establish a naval base in Cuba as a response to U.S. support for a missile defense system in Europe (Halpin).

Energy and Foreign Affairs: India
India is approaching Russia on coordinated energy development (Deora aims to open door).

Deora aims to open doors to Russian oil. (2008 Nov. 25). Times of India. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/India_Business/Deora_aims_to_open_doors_to_Russian_oil/articleshow/3752968.cms, accessed 2008 Dec. 3.

Halpin, T. (2008 Nov. 24). Russia challenges US dominance with Venezuelan wargames. Times. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article5225275.ece, accessed 2008 Dec. 3.

Putin Intelligencer 2008 December 3

Defense and Foreign Affairs: United States
Putin hinted that Russian missiles in Kaliningrad could “disappear” if the U.S. dropped support for a missile shield in Europe. The subject could come into play in negotiations over a nuclear arms treated that will expire next year (Putin offers to end stand-off). Putin continues to express his opposition to NATO expansion (Putin voice 3 principles).

Putin order commencement of construction of a pipeline to the Baltic Sea (Russia’s Putin orders launch; Russian PM Putin signs order).

Financial Crisis
Putin blamed the weakness in stock prices of Russian companies on unfairness in foreign markets. He pledges to develop an investing class within Russia (Current quotes are abnormal; Putin labels markets “unfair”).

Foreign Affairs: Switzerland
Putin met with Swiss Defense Minister Samuel Schmid (Defence minister meets Putin).

Current quotes are abnormal, Putin said (2008 Dec. 1). Kommersant. http://www.kommersant.com/p-13664/Quote_abnormal/, accessed 2008 Dec. 3.

Defence minister meets Putin. (2008 Nov. 24). SwissInfo. http://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/news_digest/Putin_meets_Swiss_defence_minister.html?siteSect=104&sid=10009693&cKey=1227555455000&ty=nd, accessed 2008 Dec. 3.

Putin labels markets “unfair.” (2008 Dec. 2). Moscow Times. http://www.themoscowtimes.com/article/600/42/372795.htm, accessed 2008 Dec. 3.

Putin offers to end stand-off over missiles in Eastern Europe. (2008 Nov. 24). Deutsche Welle. http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,2144,3817848,00.html, accessed 2008 Dec. 3.

Putin voiced 3 principles of Europe’s security. (2008 Nov. 24). Kommersant. http://www.kommersant.com/p-13631/r_527/Putin_security/, accessed 2008 Dec. 3.

Russia’s Putin orders launch of Baltic oil pipeline project. (2008 Dec. 1). EasyBourse. http://www.easybourse.com/bourse-actualite/marches/russia-s-putin-orders-launch-of-baltic-oil-pipeline-project-571386, accessed 2008 Dec. 3.

Russian PM Putin signs order to build Baltic Pipeline System-2. (2008 Dec. 1). RIA Novosti. http://en.rian.ru/russia/20081201/118633533.html, accessed 2008 Dec. 3.

President-Elect Intelligencer 2008 December 3

Family Affairs
The Obama girls will be attending Sidwell Friends, a private school associated with the Quakers. Other children of presidents who attended the school include Chelsea Clinton, Amy Carter and Tricia Nixon (Leiby).

Meeting with Governors
Obama met with the National Governors Association. The governors are calling for economic stimulus, particularly through a large federal investment in infrastructure, which they claim will create jobs (Viser).

Leiby, R. (2008 Nov. 22). Obama girls will go to Sidwell Friends. Washington Post, p. C01. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/11/21/AR2008112103248.html, accessed 2008 Dec. 3.

Viser, M. (2008 Nov. 26). Patrick, other governors to see Obama. Boston Globe. http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2008/11/26/patrick_other_governors_to_see_obama/, accessed 2008 Dec. 3.

Blogspeak 2008 December 3

Defense and Foreign Affairs: Europe, Russia
Russians Again Signal to Obama They Want to End Disagreement Over Missile Defense Shield (Tapper, J., Political Punch, ABC News, 2008 Nov. 24)

Vice President-Elect Joe Biden
A Low Profile Birthday for Joe Biden (Cook, D., The Vote Blog, Christian Science Monitor, 2008 Nov. 20)

Policy & Food Updates 2008 November

Policy & Food Update 2008 November 3
Policy & Food Update 2008 November 4
Policy & Food Update 2008 November 11
Policy & Food Update 2008 November 17
Policy & Food Update 2008 November 19
Policy & Food Update 2008 November 25
Policy & Food Update 2008 November 26
Policy & Food Update 2008 November 29

Palin Intelligencer 2008 December 3

Palin is using her political capital to support Sen. Saxby Chambliss of Georgia in a runoff election (McAffrey; Steinhauser; Tharpe & Sheinin).

Potential Book Deal
After her run for the vice presidency, the Alaska governor has caught the eye of publishers and literary agents and can potentially make millions for a book deal (Palin no loser).

Pro-Life Groups Encouraged by Palin Example
Pro-life legislators and groups have taken courage from the example of Governor Palin in her choosing to bear her son, Trig, who was diagnosed with Downs Syndrome before birth. An estimated 90 percent of such children are aborted (Wood).

Palin is in demand in the media (Blood). A wrestling-entertainment organization has invited her to attend one of their events, promising to pay $50,000 to a charity of her choice if she makes an appearance. The offer included a chance for her to be an ostensible—maybe ex officio—member of a female wrestling team (Verzub).

OI Comment: I love America. Palin probably shouldn’t make a spectacle of herself in this manner. However, it might be fun to see elected officials settling lesser disputes in inflatable sumo suits. Its safer than the guns and swords our representatives used on each other in our nation’s early days.

Blood, M. R. (2008 Nov. 22). Oprah, Leno, Letterman: What’s Palin to do next? Associated Press. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5iQ6mzZ4_GHxu-nRBQzapi0zy4aKAD94K1N500, accessed 2008 Dec. 3.

McAffrey, S. (2008 Dec. 2). Palin urges Ga. voters to back Chambliss in runoff. Associated Press. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5hHW-ZJ03DLcUGUM9z9p2nkbRAG-QD94Q92T00, accessed 2008 Dec. 3.

Palin no loser with “$11m book deal.” (2008 Nov. 17). Canberra Times. http://www.canberratimes.com.au/news/world/world/general/palins-no-loser-with-11m-book-deal/1362216.aspx, accessed 2008 Nov. 19.

Steinhauser, P. (2008 Dec. 1). Palin makes a Peach State sweep for GOP senator. CNN. http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/12/01/palin.chambliss/, accessed 2008 Dec. 3.

Tharpe, J., & Sheinin, A. G. (2008 Dec. 1). Runoff vote today will end fast, furious Senate campaign. Atlanta Journal-Constitution. http://www.ajc.com/services/content/metro/stories/2008/12/01/palin_chambliss_runoff.html, accessed 2008 Dec. 3.

Verzub, R. (2008 Nov. 24). Palin to participate in wrestling event. Cauldron. http://media.www.csucauldron.com/media/storage/paper516/news/2008/11/24/News/Palin.To.Participate.In.Wrestling.Event-3559907.shtml, accessed 2008 Dec. 3.

Wood, E. (2008 Nov. 24). Palin encourages special needs families. Baptist Press. http://www.sbcbaptistpress.org/BPnews.asp?ID=29399, accessed 2008 Dec. 3.