
Russia Intelligencer 2008 October 30

Russian authorities considering pulling the license of 2x2, a cartoon network, for broadcasting the American cartoons The Simpsons, Family Guy and South Park. The action could be authorized under laws to prohibit extremism (Bloomfield). Action against opposition websites and blogs has also begun under the guise of opposing extremism (Gee).

Nuclear Development: Venezuela
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has stated his interest in working with Russia to develop nuclear power (Chavez interested). The two countries have been practicing joint military operations.

Bloomfield, A. (2008 Sept. 25). Russian to ban Simpsons and South Park. Telegraph. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/russia/3074454/Russia-to-ban-Simpsons-and-South-Park.html, accessed 2008 Oct. 7.

Chavez interested in nuclear help from Russia. (2008 Sept. 28). CNN. http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/americas/09/28/venezuela.russia/, accessed 2008 Oct. 7.

Gee, A. (2008 Sept. 30). Russia’s dissident bloggers fear for their lives. U.S. News & World Report. http://www.usnews.com/articles/news/world/2008/09/30/russias-dissident-bloggers-fear-for-their-lives.html, accessed 2008 Oct. 7.

Blogspeak 2008 October 30

Cloward-Piven Strategy
Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis (Simpson, J., American Thinker, 2008 Sept. 28)

Environment & Infrastructure & McCain
Agreement Reached on Total Coliform Rule Revisions (Infrastructure Watch, 2008 Oct. 30)
Federal Activity on Water Issues (Infrastructure Watch, 2008 Sept. 26)
McCain's environmental pluses more numerous than thought? (McClure, R., Dateline Earth, Seattle PI, 2008 Oct. 20)

Obama’s Questionable, Radical and Socialist Connections
Obama About to Be Hit on Questionable Associates (Tapper, J., Political Punch, ABC News, 2008 Oct. 4)
Palin Goes After Obama-Ayers Connection (Delawala, I., Political Radar, ABC News, 2008 Oct.4)
Subversives for Obama (Phillips, M., The Spectator, 2008 Sept. 26)
Who is Barack Obama, and what does he stand for? (Fiano, Wizbang, 2008 Oct. 11)

Biden and Obama: Charity Cheapskates (Ellis, B., Dakota Voice, 2008 Oct. 5)

Swing States: Virginia
Several Thoughts To Keep in Mind in Virginia (Campaign Spot, National Review Online, 2008 Sept. 29)

McCain Intelligencer 2008 October 30

Abortion and Vice-Presidential Candidate: Sarah Palin
Palin attacked Obama for his stance on abortion, pointing out his opposition to born-alive protection laws in the Illinois Senate. Palin is opposed to abortion except when it threatens the life of the mother (Nephin).

Republicans thought McCain was great. They thought Obama sucked (Walsh).

Financial Market & Housing Crisis
McCain decried the prospect of rescuing financiers from their folly, but said the government intervention was necessary (“Barack Obama”). Instead of buying out the banks, he thinks half the money should be put into buying mortgages directly and renegotiating terms with the lenders (Pickler).

Obama’s Socialist Connections
Some in the Republican party have been disappointed that McCain has not made more of Obama’s long association with Rev. Jeremiah Wright (Bailey, Holmes & Shear).

Swing States: Virginia
McCain’s brother, Joe, may have alienated some in Northern Virginia when he referred to the region as “Communist country” (Ohlemacher).

Bailey, H. (2008 Oct. 18). Do the Wright thing. Newsweek. http://www.newsweek.com/id/164504, accessed 2008 Oct. 28.

Barack Obama. (2008 Sept. 30). Herald Sun. http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,21985,24420898-663,00.html, accessed 2008 Oct. 28.

Holmes, S., & Shear, M. (2008 Oct. 11). McCain mum on former pastor. Washington Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/10/10/AR2008101002897.html, accessed 2008 Oct. 28.

Nephin, D. (2008 Oct. 11). Palin criticizes Obama on abortion at Pa. rally. Associated Press. http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5h21ZbzgPbTVRftcJPT5vkHkonY5QD93OGKAG0, accessed 2008 Oct. 28.

Ohlemacher, S. (2008 Oct. 5). McCain’s brother says N. Va. “Communist country.” Associated Press. http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5hby_5Pku5ywmfC_rEtEV5BcYKR5gD93KFH4O0, accessed 2008 Oct. 28.

Pickler, N. (2008 Oct. 27). Fact Check: Obama charges against McCain debatable. Associate Press in Washington Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/10/27/AR2008102702374.html, accessed 2008 Oct. 30.

Walsh, K. (2008 Sept. 29). Barack Obama and John McCain spin debate performances. U.S. News & World Report. http://www.usnews.com/articles/news/campaign-2008/2008/09/29/barack-obama-and-john-mccain-spin-debate-performances.html, accessed 2008 Oct. 28.


Palin Intelligencer 2008 October 29

Accusations of Gubernatorial Power Abuse
Palin has been accused in abusing her power as governor to manipulate Alaska’s public safety department and remove that departments director along with other bullying behavior. As one might expect, a lot of politicians are weighing in on the issue (Apuzzo).

Some think Palin winks too much, and the LA Times seems fascinated by it (Fiore).

Foreign Policy and the War on Terror
Palin stated she would support attacks on militant targets in Pakistan even after McCain took Obama to task for making similar statements (Palin makes Pakistan terror gaffe).

In an interview with CBN, Palin stated her support for a federal marriage amendment that would define marriage as being between one man and one woman (Palin signals support).

Appuzo, M. (2008 Oct. 6). Republicans to high court: Stop Palin ethics probe. Associated Press. http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5jOTk11gvqDAgD0cY3i4WjI_2YOxwD93L5SVO1, accessed 2008 Oct. 29.

Fiore, F. (2008 Oct. 14). Sarah Palin stirs up controversy with the wink of an eye. Los Angeles Times. http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/news/celebrity/la-et-wink14-2008oct14,0,2337629.story, accessed 2008 Oct. 29.

Palin makes Pakistan terror gaffe. (2008 Sept. 30). Sky News. http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-News/Republican-Sarah-Palin-Makes-Pakistan-Gaffe-Saying-She-Would-Support-Terror-Strikes-On-Country/Article/200809415109630?lpos=World_News_First_Home_Article_Teaser_Region_0&lid=ARTICLE_15109630_Republican_Sarah_Palin_Makes_Pakistan_Gaffe%2C_Saying_She_Would_Support_Terror_Strikes_On_Country, accessed 2008 Oct. 29.

Palin signals support for federal marriage amendment. (2008 Oct. 20). CBN. http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/467179.aspx, accessed 2008 Oct. 29.


Obama Intelligencer 2008 October 28

Assassination Plot
Police have arrested a pair of white supremacists for plotting to kill the black presidential candidate. Former Cuban dictator Fidel Castro is amazed someone hasn’t assassinated Obama because he believes the U.S. to be a very racist nation (Obama under threat).

Democrats thought Obama was great. They thought McCain sucked (Walsh).

A case questioning Obama’s citizenship has been dismissed from a federal court in Philadelphia (Puchas).

Obama has receive the endorsement of the Stockton Record (Choice is clear). Colin Powell has also endorsed the candidate who says he’d like to bring the former general and Secretary of State into the White House as an advisor (Obama would give Powell new role).

Financial Market Crisis
Obama decried the prospect of rescuing financiers from their folly, but said the government intervention was necessary (“Barack Obama”).

Polls and Swing States
A poll shows Obama holds a slight lead in Nevada (Wangsness). He also shows leads in other swing states (Cornwell). A poll of Ohio voters shows Obama leading McCain 49 percent to 46 percent (Naymik).

Socialist Connections
A mainstream newspaper has finally looked into Obama’s connection to William Ayers. They found that, though Obama has downplayed his association with Ayers, the two are not close and Ayers has probably had little influence on the candidate (Shane).

Barack Obama. (2008 Sept. 30). Herald Sun. http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,21985,24420898-663,00.html, accessed 2008 Oct. 28.

Choice is clear: Obama for president. (2008 Sept. 28). Stockton Record. http://www.recordnet.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080928/A_OPINION01/809280301, accessed 2008 Oct. 28.

Cornwell, R. (2008 Oct. 26). McCain can still win (and maybe pigs will fly). Independent. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/mccain-can-still-win-and-maybe-pigs-will-fly-973830.html, accessed 2008 Oct. 28.

Naymik, M. (2008 Oct. 25). Obama leads McCain 49% to 46% in Ohio newspaper poll. Plain Dealer. http://blog.cleveland.com/openers/2008/10/ohio_poll.html, accessed 2008 Oct. 28.

Obama under threat, Castro says (2008 Oct.12). Sky News. http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-News/Fidel-Castro-Says-Its-Miracle-Barack-Obama-Not-Assassinated/Article/200810215118725?lpos=World_News_First_Home_Article_Teaser_Region_1&lid=ARTICLE_15118725_Fidel_Castro_Says_Its_Miracle_Barack_Obama_Not_Assassinated, accessed 2008 Oct. 28.

Obama would give Powell new role (2008 Oct. 20). Press Association. http://ukpress.google.com/article/ALeqM5gH7W22-4I8L-DizOf2XuzwTQM1MQ, accessed 2008 Oct. 28.

Puchas, K. (2008 Oct. 28). Citizenship challenge to Obama dismissed. Philadelphia Times Herald. http://www.timesherald.com/articles/2008/10/28/news/doc49069c804a906934513448.txt, accessed 2008 Oct. 28.

Shane, S. (2008 Oct. 3). Obama and ‘60s bomber: A look into crossed paths. New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/04/us/politics/04ayers.html?_r=1&bl&ex=1223265600&en=80352c05b6d4b135&ei=5087%0A&oref=slogin, accessed 2008 Oct. 28.

Walsh, K. (2008 Sept. 29). Barack Obama and John McCain spin debate performances. U.S. News & World Report. http://www.usnews.com/articles/news/campaign-2008/2008/09/29/barack-obama-and-john-mccain-spin-debate-performances.html, accessed 2008 Oct. 28.

Wangsness, L. (2008 Oct. 5). As economy craters, Nevadans say they’ll gamble on “change.” Boston Globe. http://www.boston.com/news/politics/2008/articles/2008/10/05/as_economy_craters_nevadans_say_theyll_gamble_on_change/, accessed 2008 Oct. 28.