
President-Elect Intelligencer 2008 December 18

Economic Stimulus
Earlier this month, at a meeting of the National Governors Association, governors solicited Obama’s support for over $136 billion in projects. The governors’ proposal includes a lot of infrastructure improvements, which they say they can get started quickly and will create jobs (Obama pledges to work with governors on economy). The announcement of Obama’s support for the program sparked a rally in the price of some commodities (Shenk).

Foreign Affairs: Bolivia, Cuba
The advent of new administration is spurring many to push for a new approach to Cuba. Many are seeking to normalize relations with America’s Caribbean neighbor and see a potential for change under Obama (Chang, Richter).

Bolivian’s are also hoping Obama and their own new chief executive may be able to strike a friendlier pose. Bolivia is a source of coca (from which we get cocaine), a traditional crop of native Bolivians that has been a source of tension with the U.S. (Keane).

Ambassador to the United Nations—Susan Rice
“Climate Czar”—Carol Browner, former Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator
Council of Environmental Quality Head—Nancy Sutley, deputy mayor of Los Angeles
EPA Administrator—Lisa Jackson, chief of staff for New Jersey Governor John Corzine
Secretary of Defence—Robert Gates, currently serving in this role
Secretary of Energy—Steven Chu, head of Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory
Secretary of Health and Human Services—Tom Daschle, former Senate majority leader (Beale; Muskal; Obama names environmental team; Obama names national security team; Raffaele).

War in Afghanistan
Obama is continuing his plan to refocus military efforts on Afghanistan, and reducing the American presence in Iraq, by adding 10,000 troops in the nation where the counterinsurgency effort has carried on for seven years. This addition is not expected to be as effective as the surge Iraq because Afghanistan has a less developed infrastructure, more rugged landscape, and insurgents receive support for groups in neighboring Pakistan (Gordon).

Beale, J. (2008 Dec. 7). US health reform gains momentum. BBC. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7768608.stm, accessed 2008 Dec. 18.

Chang, J. (2008 Dec. 14). Shift in Cuba policy anticipated under Obama. Miami Herald. http://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics/AP/story/812398.html, accessed 2008 Dec. 18.

Gordon, M. (2008 Dec. 1). Afghan strategy poses stiff challenge for Obama. New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/02/world/asia/02strategy.html?_r=1&ref=us, accessed 2008 Dec. 18.

Keane, D. (2008 Dec. 15). Bolivians hope Obama, an outsider, heals US rift. Associated Press. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5hK5_rh7E38XaUgK-_mwkeYCxyIrQD952M6LG0, accessed 2008 Dec. 18.

Muskal, M. (2008 Dec. 15). Obama announces choices for key environmental and energy posts. Los Angeles Times. http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/washingtondc/la-na-obama16-2008dec16,0,2027165.story, accessed 2008 Dec. 18.

Obama names environmental team. (2008 Dec. 16). E-Mainstream. http://www.awwa.org/publications/MainStreamArticle.cfm?itemnumber=43696, accessed 2008 Dec. 18.

Obama names national security team including Clinton, Gates (2008 Dec. 2). Dallas Morning News. http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/news/nation/stories/DN-cabinet_02nat.ART.State.Edition2.298e736.html, accessed 2008 Dec. 18.

Obama pledges to work with governors on economy. (2008 Dec. 2). CNN. http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/12/02/transition.wrap/, accessed 2008 Dec. 18.

Raffaele, R. (2008 Dec. 8). Obama taps Susan Rice for UN ambassador position. Voice of America. http://www.voanews.com/english/2008-12-08-voa20.cfm, accessed 2008 Dec. 18.

Richter, P. (2008 Dec. 13). Obama presidency could change the rules on Cuba. Los Angeles Times. http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-fg-uscuba13-2008dec13,0,5895951.story, accessed 2008 Dec. 18.

Shenk, M. (2008 Dec. 8). Oil, copper rise for first time in seven days on Obama stimulus. Bloomberg. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601081&sid=axxZdToCmBQU&refer=australia, accessed 2008 Dec. 19.

Blogspeak 2008 December 18

Illinois Governor Rod Blagojavich
Obama: Review Finds No ‘Inappropriate’ Contacts With Blagojevich (Zeleny, J., The Caucus, New York Times, 2008 Dec. 15)

Infrastructure & Environment
Economic Stimulus Package Would Increase Energy Funding (Infrastructure Watch, 2008 Dec. 8)
Economic Stimulus Package Would Increase Environmental Funding (Infrastructure Watch, 2008 Dec. 8)
Economic Stimulus Package Would Increase Transportation Funding (Infrastructure Watch, 2008 Dec. 8)
Emanuel States Support for Infrastructure Spending (Infrastructure Watch, 2008 Dec. 11)
Governors Call for Federal Infrastructure Investment (Infrastructure Watch, 2008 Dec. 8)

United Nations Intelligencer 2008 December 18

Obama Names Choice for U.N. Abassador
President-elect Barack Obama has nominated Susan Rice to serve as Ambassador to the U.N. (Obama names national security team).

Web Security & Anonymity
A U.N. agency is working on standards, proposed by China, to trace back the sources of internet communication. While there may be legitimate reasons to track such communications to prevent or investigate crime and terrorism, some are concerned about potential abuse (U.N. agency eyes).

OI Comment: Let’s not whitewash the issue. Some governments will abuse this power if they achieve it. Totalitarian governments, like China’s, will absolutely abuse it.

Obama names national security team including Clinton, Gates (2008 Dec. 2). Dallas Morning News. http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/news/nation/stories/DN-cabinet_02nat.ART.State.Edition2.298e736.html, accessed 2008 Dec. 18.

U.N. agency eyes web anonymity controls. (2008 Sept. 12). CBS News. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/09/12/tech/cnettechnews/main4443738.shtml?source=RSSattr=SciTech_4443738, accessed 2008 Sept. 26.


President-Elect Intelligencer 2008 December 11

Chief of Staff—Rahm Emanuel, former congressman from Chicago area
Deputy Budget Director—Rob Nabors
Secretary of State—Hillary Clinton, senator from New York and former first lady
Social Secretary—Desiree Rogers (West).

Attorney General—Eric Holder
National Security Advisor—James Jones
Secretary of Commerce—Bill Richardson, governor of New Mexico
Secretary of Homeland Security—Janet Napolitano, governor of Arizona
Secretary of Veterans Affairs—Anthony Brown, lieutenant governor of Maryland (West).

Foreign Affairs: Cuba
Speculation continues that an Obama administration will seek to improve relations with Cuba (Williams).

West, P. (2008 Nov. 30). Obama’s picks mirror his multicultural background. Baltimore Sun. http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/nation/bal-te.west30nov30,0,6641011.story, accessed 2008 Dec. 9.

Williams, M. (2008 Nov. 3). Obama to ease Cuba policy? Austin American-Statesman. http://www.statesman.com/news/content/news/stories/world/11/30/1130obamacuba.html, accessed 2008 Dec. 9.


Russia Intelligencer 2008 December 3

Defense and Foreign Affairs: United States, Venezuela
Russian and Venezuelan naval vessels will be participating in join war games the Caribbean Sea. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev will also be visiting Brazil, Venezuela and Cuba. There is speculation that Russia may establish a naval base in Cuba as a response to U.S. support for a missile defense system in Europe (Halpin).

Energy and Foreign Affairs: India
India is approaching Russia on coordinated energy development (Deora aims to open door).

Deora aims to open doors to Russian oil. (2008 Nov. 25). Times of India. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/India_Business/Deora_aims_to_open_doors_to_Russian_oil/articleshow/3752968.cms, accessed 2008 Dec. 3.

Halpin, T. (2008 Nov. 24). Russia challenges US dominance with Venezuelan wargames. Times. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article5225275.ece, accessed 2008 Dec. 3.

Putin Intelligencer 2008 December 3

Defense and Foreign Affairs: United States
Putin hinted that Russian missiles in Kaliningrad could “disappear” if the U.S. dropped support for a missile shield in Europe. The subject could come into play in negotiations over a nuclear arms treated that will expire next year (Putin offers to end stand-off). Putin continues to express his opposition to NATO expansion (Putin voice 3 principles).

Putin order commencement of construction of a pipeline to the Baltic Sea (Russia’s Putin orders launch; Russian PM Putin signs order).

Financial Crisis
Putin blamed the weakness in stock prices of Russian companies on unfairness in foreign markets. He pledges to develop an investing class within Russia (Current quotes are abnormal; Putin labels markets “unfair”).

Foreign Affairs: Switzerland
Putin met with Swiss Defense Minister Samuel Schmid (Defence minister meets Putin).

Current quotes are abnormal, Putin said (2008 Dec. 1). Kommersant. http://www.kommersant.com/p-13664/Quote_abnormal/, accessed 2008 Dec. 3.

Defence minister meets Putin. (2008 Nov. 24). SwissInfo. http://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/news_digest/Putin_meets_Swiss_defence_minister.html?siteSect=104&sid=10009693&cKey=1227555455000&ty=nd, accessed 2008 Dec. 3.

Putin labels markets “unfair.” (2008 Dec. 2). Moscow Times. http://www.themoscowtimes.com/article/600/42/372795.htm, accessed 2008 Dec. 3.

Putin offers to end stand-off over missiles in Eastern Europe. (2008 Nov. 24). Deutsche Welle. http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,2144,3817848,00.html, accessed 2008 Dec. 3.

Putin voiced 3 principles of Europe’s security. (2008 Nov. 24). Kommersant. http://www.kommersant.com/p-13631/r_527/Putin_security/, accessed 2008 Dec. 3.

Russia’s Putin orders launch of Baltic oil pipeline project. (2008 Dec. 1). EasyBourse. http://www.easybourse.com/bourse-actualite/marches/russia-s-putin-orders-launch-of-baltic-oil-pipeline-project-571386, accessed 2008 Dec. 3.

Russian PM Putin signs order to build Baltic Pipeline System-2. (2008 Dec. 1). RIA Novosti. http://en.rian.ru/russia/20081201/118633533.html, accessed 2008 Dec. 3.

President-Elect Intelligencer 2008 December 3

Family Affairs
The Obama girls will be attending Sidwell Friends, a private school associated with the Quakers. Other children of presidents who attended the school include Chelsea Clinton, Amy Carter and Tricia Nixon (Leiby).

Meeting with Governors
Obama met with the National Governors Association. The governors are calling for economic stimulus, particularly through a large federal investment in infrastructure, which they claim will create jobs (Viser).

Leiby, R. (2008 Nov. 22). Obama girls will go to Sidwell Friends. Washington Post, p. C01. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/11/21/AR2008112103248.html, accessed 2008 Dec. 3.

Viser, M. (2008 Nov. 26). Patrick, other governors to see Obama. Boston Globe. http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2008/11/26/patrick_other_governors_to_see_obama/, accessed 2008 Dec. 3.

Blogspeak 2008 December 3

Defense and Foreign Affairs: Europe, Russia
Russians Again Signal to Obama They Want to End Disagreement Over Missile Defense Shield (Tapper, J., Political Punch, ABC News, 2008 Nov. 24)

Vice President-Elect Joe Biden
A Low Profile Birthday for Joe Biden (Cook, D., The Vote Blog, Christian Science Monitor, 2008 Nov. 20)

Policy & Food Updates 2008 November

Policy & Food Update 2008 November 3
Policy & Food Update 2008 November 4
Policy & Food Update 2008 November 11
Policy & Food Update 2008 November 17
Policy & Food Update 2008 November 19
Policy & Food Update 2008 November 25
Policy & Food Update 2008 November 26
Policy & Food Update 2008 November 29

Palin Intelligencer 2008 December 3

Palin is using her political capital to support Sen. Saxby Chambliss of Georgia in a runoff election (McAffrey; Steinhauser; Tharpe & Sheinin).

Potential Book Deal
After her run for the vice presidency, the Alaska governor has caught the eye of publishers and literary agents and can potentially make millions for a book deal (Palin no loser).

Pro-Life Groups Encouraged by Palin Example
Pro-life legislators and groups have taken courage from the example of Governor Palin in her choosing to bear her son, Trig, who was diagnosed with Downs Syndrome before birth. An estimated 90 percent of such children are aborted (Wood).

Palin is in demand in the media (Blood). A wrestling-entertainment organization has invited her to attend one of their events, promising to pay $50,000 to a charity of her choice if she makes an appearance. The offer included a chance for her to be an ostensible—maybe ex officio—member of a female wrestling team (Verzub).

OI Comment: I love America. Palin probably shouldn’t make a spectacle of herself in this manner. However, it might be fun to see elected officials settling lesser disputes in inflatable sumo suits. Its safer than the guns and swords our representatives used on each other in our nation’s early days.

Blood, M. R. (2008 Nov. 22). Oprah, Leno, Letterman: What’s Palin to do next? Associated Press. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5iQ6mzZ4_GHxu-nRBQzapi0zy4aKAD94K1N500, accessed 2008 Dec. 3.

McAffrey, S. (2008 Dec. 2). Palin urges Ga. voters to back Chambliss in runoff. Associated Press. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5hHW-ZJ03DLcUGUM9z9p2nkbRAG-QD94Q92T00, accessed 2008 Dec. 3.

Palin no loser with “$11m book deal.” (2008 Nov. 17). Canberra Times. http://www.canberratimes.com.au/news/world/world/general/palins-no-loser-with-11m-book-deal/1362216.aspx, accessed 2008 Nov. 19.

Steinhauser, P. (2008 Dec. 1). Palin makes a Peach State sweep for GOP senator. CNN. http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/12/01/palin.chambliss/, accessed 2008 Dec. 3.

Tharpe, J., & Sheinin, A. G. (2008 Dec. 1). Runoff vote today will end fast, furious Senate campaign. Atlanta Journal-Constitution. http://www.ajc.com/services/content/metro/stories/2008/12/01/palin_chambliss_runoff.html, accessed 2008 Dec. 3.

Verzub, R. (2008 Nov. 24). Palin to participate in wrestling event. Cauldron. http://media.www.csucauldron.com/media/storage/paper516/news/2008/11/24/News/Palin.To.Participate.In.Wrestling.Event-3559907.shtml, accessed 2008 Dec. 3.

Wood, E. (2008 Nov. 24). Palin encourages special needs families. Baptist Press. http://www.sbcbaptistpress.org/BPnews.asp?ID=29399, accessed 2008 Dec. 3.


Russia Intelligencer 2008 November 29

Kasparov Predicts Quick End to Medvedev Presidency
Opposition leader Garry Kasparov has predicted that the financial crisis will bring about unrest that will end the presidency of Dmitry Medvedev within 18 months (Kasparov predicts).

Opposition Leaders Meet
Notable opposition leaders met to coordinate their efforts to prevent changes to the Russian constitution, including extension of presidential terms, and to bring down the present regime (Wendle).

Presidential Term Extended to Six Years
The Duma approved a bill to extend presidential terms to 6 years. Interestingly, all Communist Party members in the Duma voted against the bill on its first reading of three. The bill would also extend terms of Duma members to 5 years (Malpas, Nowak, Wendle).

Kasparov predicts short Medvedev presidency, mass protests (2008 Nov. 17). RIA Novosti. http://en.rian.ru/russia/20081117/118358740.html, accessed 2008 Nov. 29.

Malpas, A. (2008 Nov. 17). Duma backs 6-year presidential term. Moscow Times. http://www.moscowtimes.ru/article/1010/42/372406.htm, accessed 2008 Nov. 29.

Nowak, D. (2008 Nov. 14). Russian lawmakers back extending presidential term. Associated Press. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5jPsRzMy3_geQb7l75K7KZ6iNTizQD94EUGQ80, accessed 2008 Nov. 29.

Wendle, J. (2008 Nov. 24). Big names miss Solidarity meeting. Moscow Times. http://www.themoscowtimes.com/article/1010/42/372566.htm, accessed 2008 Nov. 29.

Blogspeak 2008 November 29

Obama pushes alternative energy as a jobs issue (McClure, R., Dateline Earth, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 2008 Nov. 23)

Infrastructure & Environment
Water Infrastructure News (Infrastructure Watch, 2008 Nov. 24)
Water Resources News Nov. 24, 2008 (Infrastructure Watch)

Obama & McCain Meet
Why Barack Obama needs John McCain (Goldstein, Y., Full Comment, National Post, 2008 Nov. 17)

Some Still Question Obama’s Eligibility
Obama’s Birth Certificate Challenger Keeps Going (Serchuk, D., Trailwatch, Forbes)

Putin Intelligencer 2008 November 29

Defense and Foreign Affairs: United States
Putin called on the United States to abandon plans for a missile defense shield in Eastern Europe. The Bush administration has pushed or the project, but Russian President Dmitry Medvedev seems to thing Obama may be less attached to it (Russian PM urges Obama to scrap missile shield). The Russians hope Obama will be more receptive to them on many issues (Levy).

Putin continues to say Russia is not interested in joining an OPEC-style cartel because it will retain its sovereignty. He says he is interest in coordination that would ensure continuous energy supplies (Putin denies plan), which seems to back off his previous statements of an interest in sustaining oil prices.

Possible Return to Presidency
There is speculation that Putin would like to return to the presidency, possibly for a 12 year stretch (Malpas, Nowak, Wingate-Hayes). Even as prime minister, Putin is very powerful in the Russian government and recognized as leader of the ruling clique.

Levy, C. (2008 Nov. 24). Putin and Medvedev hope for a brighter future with Obama. International Herald Tribune. http://www.iht.com/articles/2008/11/24/europe/russia.php, accessed 2008 Nov. 25.

Malpas, A. (2008 Nov. 17). Duma backs 6-year presidential term. Moscow Times. http://www.moscowtimes.ru/article/1010/42/372406.htm, accessed 2008 Nov. 29.

Nowak, D. (2008 Nov. 14). Russian lawmakers back extending presidential term. Associated Press. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5jPsRzMy3_geQb7l75K7KZ6iNTizQD94EUGQ80, accessed 2008 Nov. 29.

Putin denies plan for OPEC-style gas cartel. (2008 Nov.17). New Europe. http://www.neurope.eu/articles/90618.php, accessed 2008 Nov. 24.

Russian PM urges Obama to scrap missile shield. (2008 Nov. 24). Voice of America. http://www.voanews.com/english/2008-11-24-voa82.cfm, accessed 2008 Nov. 25.

Wingate-Hayes, R. (2008 Nov. 14). What is Putin’s game? BBC News. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7730179.stm, accessed 2008 Nov. 29.


President-Elect Intelligencer 2008 November 25

Foreign Affairs: China
As Obama take the reigns of America’s foreign policy, he’ll face a challenge of a China that is more equal to U.S. power than ever before. China’s economy is still relatively strong and they own more than a half-trillion dollars in U.S. government bonds (Bodeen).

Meeting with McCain
Obama met with formal rival Sen. John McCain. They promised to work together to solve the nation’s problems (MacAskill; Mason & Bohan).

Radical and Socialist Connections
Now that the election is over the previously quiet is making many public appearances, sometimes addressing his relationship to Obama and sometimes promoting the new edition of his book, Fugitive Days (Ayres says relationship; Hutton; Overby).

Staff; Scrutinizing Bill and Hillary Clinton
In preparing to name Sen. Hillary Clinton as nominee for Secretary of State, the Obama transition team carefully look into the background of her husband and former president Bill Clinton. Since leaving office, the 42nd president has developed complicated finances from books and other deals and many relationships, especially abroad, through the charitable foundation he runs (Mason & Bohan; Reid).

Other staff announcements include:
Deputy Director of Communications—Dan Pfeiffer, communications director for Obama’s transition team
Director of Communications—Ellen Moran, executive director of EMILY’S List, an organization of black female candidates who support abortion rights
Director, Domestic Policy Council—Melody Barnes, Executive Vice President for Policy at the Center for American Progress
Director, National Economic Council—Lawrence Summers formerly held posts in the Treasury Department
Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors—Christina Romer, an economic historian
Secretary of Treasury—Timothy Geithner from the New York Federal Reserve Bank
Press Secretary—Robert Gibbs, served as communication’s director on Obama’s senate staff (Obama announces economic team; Obama fills out White House communications team).

J. Crew is enjoying a bounce and arranged its online advertising to take advantage of Michelle Obama’s appearance in their clothes (Clifford).

The Secret Service codenames for the new first family have been revealed:
President Barack Obama—Renegade,
First Lady Michelle Obama—Renaissance,
Sasha—Rosebud (Huppke).

War in Iraq
Some are preparing to put pressure on Obama to keep his promise to withdraw troops from Iraq (Clary; Thrush & Grim).

Ayers says relationship with Obama “exaggerated.” (2008 Nov. 20). Associated Press in Chicago Tribune. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/chi-ap-il-williamayers-monm,0,1689248.story, accessed 2008 Nov. 25.

Clary, M. (2008 Nov. 23). South Floridians intend to hold Barack Obama to Iraq pullout pledge. South Florida Sun-Sentinel. http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/local/broward/sfl-flbobamawar1123sbnov23,0,5706554.story, accessed 2008 Nov. 25.

Clifford, S. (2008 Nov. 16). J. Crew benefits as Mrs. Obama wears the brand. New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/17/business/media/17crew.html?_r=1, accessed 2008 Nov. 19.

Bodeen, C. (2008 Nov. 22). Economy, not rights, rule the new China-U.S. world. Associated Press. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5j2ZxyVtR_dPyd75yfIAMpV4QNXOgD94K3EE00, accessed 2008 Nov. 25.

Huppke, R. (2008 Nov. 10). “Renegade” joins “Twinkle,” “Rawhide,” “Lancer” on list of Secret Service code names. Chicago Tribune. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chi-secret-service-code-names-obama,0,2687400.story, accessed 2008 Nov. 19.

Hutton, M. (2008 Nov. 21). Ayers speaks at Monmouth College. Galesburg Register-Mail. http://www.galesburg.com/news/x1720662768/William-Ayers-speaks-at-Monmouth-College, accessed 2008 Nov. 25.

MacAskill, E. (2008 Nov. 17). Obama and McCain meet for the first time since the election. Guardian. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/nov/17/barack-obama-john-mccain-meeting, accessed 2008 Nov. 25.

Mason, J., & Bohan, C. (2008 Nov. 17). Obama, McCain pledge to work together. Reuters. http://www.reuters.com/article/politicsNews/idUSTRE4AG5MW20081117, accessed 2008 Nov. 25.

Obama announces economic team. (2008 Nov. 24). New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/24/us/politics/24text-obama.html?pagewanted=3&_r=1, accessed 2008 Nov. 25.

Obama fills out White House communications team. (2008 Nov. 22). Associate Press in Globe & Mail. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20081122.wobama1122/BNStory/Front, accessed 2008 Nov. 25.

Overby, P. (2008 Nov. 18). As election spotlight dims, Ayers the author speaks out. Morning Edition. NPR. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=97124808, accessed 2008 Nov. 25.

Reid, T. (2008 Nov. 18). Barack Obama’s vetters study Bill Clinton’s foreign ties. Times. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/us_elections/article5175364.ece, accessed 2008 Nov. 25.

Thrush, G., & Grim, R. (2008 Nov. 21). Left cuts Obama slack for now. Politico on CBS News. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/11/21/politics/politico/main4624733.shtml, accessed 2008 Nov. 25.


Russia Intelligencer 2008 November 24

Assassination, Chechnya & Russian Criminal Justice
Some have called for Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov to testify in the trial of those accuse of killing journalist Anna Politovskaya. He has been implicated in trial documents. On the up side, Judge Yevgeny Zubov of the Moscow District Military Court has declared the trial will be public. There was some fear the trial would be secret because one of the accused is a former FSB agent (Halpin).

Foreign Affairs: Libya, United States
It appears Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi gave Russian leaders the slip, winning the forgiveness of Libyan debt held by Russia, but not promising anything solid in return. Consideration of a Russian naval base in Libya continues, but it’s not certain Russia has the ships to make use of it (Baev).

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev is hoping to meet with Barack Obama when he takes office to establish a new tone in relations with the U.S. European Union leaders are also calling for a new approach with Russia, which has taken on a less friendly note because it is angered with U.S.-supported plans for NATO expansion and western aid to Georgia (Berry, Keleman, Medetsky).

Baev, P. (2008 Nov. 3). Qaddafi and Zyazikov: Reality checks for Russia’s petro-politics. Eurasia Daily Monitor. http://jamestown.org/edm/article.php?article_id=2373498, accessed 2008 Nov. 12.

Berry, L. (2008 Nov. 15). Russia’s Medvedev calls for talks with Obama. Associated Press. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5jfS6y-A7WF82KotI6KMN41IA3M4QD94FQCH81, accessed 2008 Nov. 24.

Halpin, T. (2008 Nov. 17). Chechen leader “should testify” at Politkovskaya trial. Times. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article5173093.ece, accessed 2008 Nov. 24.

Keleman, M. (2008 Nov. 17). Analysts, EU leaders urge new approach to Russia. All Things Considered. NPR. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=97100969, accessed 2008 Nov. 24.

Medetsky, A. (2008 Nov. 17). Medvedev signs tariff deal in U.S. Moscow Times. http://www.moscowtimes.ru/article/600/42/372393.htm, accessed 2008 Nov. 24.

Foreign Affairs Intelligencer 2008 November 24

G20 Agrees to Hiatus on New Tariffs
The G20 nations, representing 90 percent of the world economy, agreed to impose no new trade restrictions over the next 12 months. This is a response to the global credit crunch (Medetsky).

Vice-presidential candidate and Delaware Senator Joe Biden met with Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili in Milwaukee (Borowski). Russian leaders have not welcomed American assistance to their neighbor.

Borowoski, G. (2008 Sept. 26). Joe Biden to meet Georgian President Saakashvili at Phister Hotel. Milwaukee Journal-Sentinal. http://www.jsonline.com/news/statepolitics/32483519.html, accessed 2008 Nov. 1.

Medetsky, A. (2008 Nov. 17). Medvedev signs tariff deal in U.S. Moscow Times. http://www.moscowtimes.ru/article/600/42/372393.htm, accessed 2008 Nov. 24.


Vice-President-Elect Intelligencer 2008 November 18

Biden and Cheney Meet
Vice-President-elect Joe Biden has met with Vice-President Dick Cheney in preparation for the change in administration (Cheney set to meet).

“First Passenger” May Signal Good News for Rail System
Much was made during the campaign of Biden’s use of Amtrak to commute from Delaware to D.C. Amtrak gets 41 percent of its funding from the federal government and is already on track to see this jump to 48 percent. During a campaign speech in Milwaukee, Biden called for a first class passenger rail system. His son, Hunter, sits on the Amtrak board of directors (Hughes & Keane).

Ron Klain is expected to serve as Biden’s chief of staff. He has had an extensive career in government and the Democratic Party (Connolly).

Cheney set to meet with his successor Joe Biden. (2008 Nov. 13). Associate Press. http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5gifxAq1aLq5fkE0CH8uSfjxUmgQwD94E0J000, accessed 2008 Nov. 18.

Connolly, C. (2008 Nov. 13). Ron Klain tapped as Joe Biden’s chief of staff. Washington Post. http://voices.washingtonpost.com/the-trail/2008/11/13/ron_klain_tapped_as_joe_bidens.html, accessed 2008 Nov. 18.

Hughes, J., & Keane, A. (2008 Nov. 13). Amtrak rider Joe Biden promises “first class” railroad. Bloomberg. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601103&sid=assL3T6BC1pk&refer=us, accessed 2008 Nov. 18.


President-Elect Intelligencer 2008 November 17

Financial Crisis
Obama has called on Congress to swiftly pass an economic stimulus package (Harper).

Foreign Affairs: Cuba
Fidel Castro has said he expects there to be little change in the relationship between the United States and Cuba when Obama takes office (Castro expects little change).

Socialist Connections
William Ayers has begun to speak about his relationship with Obama, calling him a family friend, but not describing their relationship as close. Ayers is hawking a new edition of his memoir, Fugitive Days, in which he describes his time with the Weathermen, a 1960s terrorist group that opposed the Viet Nam war. The Weathermen carried out bombings that killed several police and security guards (news stories disagree on this point) as such targets as the U.S. Capitol and the Pentagon (Ayers says “secret link”, William Ayers describes).

Ayers says “secret link” with Obama is a “myth.” (2008 Nov. 14). CNN. http://edition.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/11/14/ayers.interview/?iref=mpstoryview, accessed 2008 Nov. 17.

Castro expects little change under Obama. (2008 Nov. 16). Voice of America. http://www.voanews.com/english/2008-11-16-voa1.cfm, accessed 2008 Nov. 17.

Harper, T. (2008 Nov. 8). Obama vows to act swiftly on economy. Toronto Star. http://www.thestar.com/news/world/article/533274, accessed 2008 Nov. 15.

William Ayers describes President-elect Obama as “family friend.” (2008 Nov. 15). Boston Herald. http://news.bostonherald.com/news/2008/view.bg?articleid=1132516&srvc=2008campnews&position=2, accessed 2008 Nov. 17.

Blogspeak 2008 November 17

Campaign Wrap-up and Fallout
McCain's verdict on Palin: more trouble than a pitbull (Watt, N., Political Blog, Guardian, 2008 Nov. 5)
Wondering What Sarah Palin's Future Holds... (Geraghty, J., The Campaign Spot, National Review Online, 2008 Nov. 5)

Environment & Infrastructure
Water Resources News (Infrastructure Watch, 2008 Nov. 13)

Shout-Out 2008 November 17

Thanks for your links to OI.

Clean Water Affordability Act (Open Congress)
Long-Term Energy Assurance and Security Enhancement Act of 2008 (Open Congress)


Palin Intelligencer 2008 November 15

Campaign Wrap-up and Rumors
All kind of rumors about Palin have surface, apparently from sources in the McCain campaign. Palin is not impressed with anonymous rumors (Mac Cormaic, Marinucci, Shipman).

Both because of and aside from rumors, some feel that the selection Palin cost McCain the race, though there is some thought that the campaign did not use her well and a recognition that she energized the Republican base (Analysis: Palin rocked; Into the wilderness).

Back home in Alask, Governor Palin faces a rougher landscape than she left. Oil prices are down, the national economy is down and her hot language may have put off state Democrats who had previously worked beside her (Rosen).

Obama’s Socialist Connections; Unusual
During the campaign, Palin referenced Obama’s connections to radicals, particularly William Ayres. Some have suggested that this encouraged white supremacists who might try to assassinate the president-elect (Shipman).

OI Comment: White supremacists probably are stirred up by the election of America’s first black president. OI hopes the Secret Service is particularly vigilant. Race is an issue in the US, and openly so. Unfortunately, racism is rampant worldwide, though more subtly in many places. Extremists, though, are ubiquitous, but, thankfully, a minority in most places.

Analysis: Palin rocked campaign, for good and bad. (2008 Nov. 6). CNN. http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/11/05/palin.campaign.anatomy/, accessed 2008 Nov. 15.

Into the wilderness. (2008 Nov. 10). Economist. http://www.economist.com/world/unitedstates/displaystory.cfm?story_id=12585033, accessed 2008 Nov. 15.

Mac Cormaic, R. (2008 Nov. 10). Palin denounces remarks by McCain aides as cruel and mean-spirited. Irish Times. http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/world/2008/1110/1225925618738.html, accessed 2008 Nov. 15.

Marinucci, C. (2008 Nov. 7). Palin gone, anything but forgotten. San Francisco Times. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/11/07/MN8L13VKU9.DTL, accessed 2008 Nov. 13.

Rosen, Y. (2008 Nov. 9). Palin returns to a changed Alaska. Christian Science Monitor. http://features.csmonitor.com/politics/2008/11/09/palin-returns-to-a-changed-alaska/, accessed 2008 Nov. 15.

Shipman, T. (2008 Nov. 10). Sarah Palin blamed by the US Secret Service over death threats against Barack Obama. Telegraph. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/uselection2008/sarahpalin/3405336/Sarah-Palin-blamed-by-the-US-Secret-Service-for-death-threats-against-Barack-Obama.html, accessed 2008 Nov. 13.


Obama Intelligencer 2008 November 13

Environment and Foreign Affairs: Canada, Cuba, Iran, Israel, Russia
Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon announced that, with the coming of the Obama administration, his government will place a renewed emphasis on reaching a climate and emissions deal with the U.S. The agreement would focus on creating a common carbon market (Canada eyes climate deal with Obama). American environmentalists hope Obama will act as check against movements in Congress to ease the way for drilling in what are now protected areas (Rascoe).

Some have speculated that Obama’s promise to ease relations with Cuba could weaken the position of its Communist dictator, Raul Castro. Much of the Castro regime’s power and influence, beginning with Castro’s brother and predecessor, Fidel, has been fueled by its defiant stance toward the U.S. (Snow).

Israeli leaders have expressed concern over Obama’s suggestion that he will open relations with Iran. Israel was one of the few countries where McCain was viewed more favorably during the campaign (Defner).

Russia is carefully eyeing an Obama presidency. There aren’t signals of major policy changes toward Russia, but Obama’s worldwide popularity could signal a more sympathetic reception of America’s opinion on issues of interest to Russia (Cornwell).

Fanciers of the Peruvian Hairless, Peru’s national dog, have offered a pup to the Obamas. One of the president-elect’s daughters is allergic to dogs, so the hairless (and sometimes toothless) dog, may be a good fit (Wade). The Obama’s have expressed an interest in adopting a shelter dog if they can find one that is suitable.

Canada eyes climate deal with Obama. (2008 Nov. 6). Associated Press on CBS. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/11/06/tech/livinggreen/main4577673.shtml?source=RSSattr=SciTech_4577673, accessed 2008 Nov. 13.

Cornwell, S. (2008 Nov. 10). Obama careful in response to mixed Kremlin signals. Reuters. http://www.reuters.com/article/reutersEdge/idUSTRE4A97PN20081110, accessed 2008 Nov. 13.

Defner, L. (2008 Nov. 7). In Israel, some anxious about Obama. U.S. News & World Report. http://www.usnews.com/articles/news/world/2008/11/07/in-israel-some-anxieties-about-obama.html, accessed 2008 Nov. 13.

Rascoe, A. (2008 Nov. 10). Environmentalists look to Obama to limit drilling. Reuters. http://www.reuters.com/article/environmentNews/idUSTRE4A97OB20081110, accessed 2008 Nov. 13.

Snow, A. (2008 Nov. 9). Analysis: Obama changes could test Castros' grip. Associated Press. http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5j5E57Ht_Oz6aUvha4i_xGwM_HbDgD94ASGMO2, accessed 2008 Nov. 13.

Wade, T. (2008 Nov. 10). Peru offers bald dog of Incas to Obama family. Reuters UK. http://uk.reuters.com/article/lifestyleMolt/idUKTRE4A97H820081110, accessed 2008 Nov. 13.

Policy and Food Updates 2008 September-October

Policy & Food Update 2008 September 8
Policy & Food Update 2008 September 15
Policy & Food Update 2008 September 16
Policy & Food Update 2008 September 26
Policy & Food Update 2008 October 6
Policy & Food Update 2008 October 27
Policy & Food Update 2008 October 28

Older Posts:
Policy & Food Updates 2008 August
Policy & Food Updates 2008 July


Putin Intelligencer 2008 November 12

Energy Policy
Putin has said he thinks Russia, a major oil exporter should develop strategies to manage oil prices. This could include cooperation with other oil producing nations, though Russia has traditionally been cool toward OPEC and is likely to want retain control of its production levels. He has begun to meet with heads of Russian oil companies (Putin says Russia should act; Putin urges greater Russian role; Russia must develop).

Financial Crisis
Putin says Russia has the cash reserves to weather the global financial crisis and continue its development. He claims they were not caught unawares as other nations were. He apparently did not share this wisdom with Russia’s oligarchs, who have taken heavy losses, at least on paper (Halpin; Shchedrov; Weir).

The oligarchs are not faring to badly under the bailout plan. One has received financing for his companies above the level set by rules for the program, though the deal isn’t finalized. The aluminum company is owned by a one-time allie of Putin, Oleg Deripaska, but President Medvedev has questioned the deal. The bailout may lead to the nationalization of some companies presently in the hands of oligarchs (Wall).

Foreign Affairs: China, Cuba, India
Putin and other Russian officials met with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao over the last few day of October (Chinese Premier).

Putin met with Indian Petroleum Minister Murli Deora to discuss energy cooperation in advance of a summit between Russia and India scheduled for next month (Deora to talk with Putin). Putin also recently met with Cuban Foreign Minister Filipe Perez Roque (Putin receives Cuban FM).

Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov recently renamed the main street of the province’s capital, Grozny, Putin Avenue. Putin apparently does not encourage street names, statues and similar honors for himself (Bloomfield; No more streets in my name).

Putins beefcake photos have garnered him some possibly unwanted attention. Openly gay Italian TV host, Alfoso Signorini, has declared the Russian prime minister to be one of the sexiest men (Italian TV star).

Bloomfield, A. (2008 Oct. 6). Chechen capital's main street renamed Putin Avenue after man who bombarded the city. Telegraph. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/russia/3147078/Chechen-capitals-main-street-renamed-Putin-Avenue-after-man-who-bombarded-the-city.html, accessed 2008 Oct. 7.

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao arrives in Moscow. (2008 Oct. 27). China View. http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2008-10/27/content_10262686.htm, accessed 2008 Nov. 3.

Deora to talk with Putin. (2008 Nov. 3). Times of India. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/India/Deora_to_talk_energy_with_Putin/articleshow/3669000.cms, accessed 2008 Nov. 12.

Halpin, T. (2008 Oct. 20). Russia is well prepared to survive financial crisis says Putin. Times. http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/markets/russia/article4981200.ece, accessed 2008 Nov. 3.

Italian TV star has gay crush on Vladimir Putin. (2008 Oct. 20). Gawker. http://gawker.com/5066016/italian-tv-star-has-gay-crush-on-vladimir-putin, accessed 2008 Nov. 3.

No more street in my name, pleads Russia’s Putin. (2008 Oct. 6). Reuters. http://www.reuters.com/article/lifestyleMolt/idUSTRE4955KV20081006, accessed 2008 Oct. 7.

Putin receives Cuban FM. (2008 Nov. 10). Prensa Latina. http://www.plenglish.com/Article.asp?ID=%7B6363AA3E-7E2E-42C8-A50A-6E99E6E59C45%7D&language=EN, accessed 2008 Nov. 12.

Putin says Russia should act to influence oil prices. (2008 Nov. 11). AFP. http://afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5hSQVeceh8JWPShe0-WZ6Oe1ZbamQ, accessed 2008 Nov. 12.

Putin urges greater Russian role in oil prices. (2008 Nov. 11). Associate Press. http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5hbwFTPWY5qEIHE37E65bYT576kzwD94C872O0, accessed 2008 Nov. 12.

Shchedrov, O. (2008 Oct. 20). Russia ready to withstand global crisis-Putin. Reuters. http://www.reuters.com/article/forexNews/idUSLK56756620081020, accessed 2008 Nov. 3.

Russian must develop ways to influence world oil prices—Putin. (2008 Nov. 11). RIA Novosti. http://en.rian.ru/russia/20081110/118230972.html, accessed 2008 Nov. 12.

Wall, T. (2008 Nov. 2). Oleg Deripaska receives state bailout almost twice the size allowed in Russia. Telegraph. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/russia/3368710/Oleg-Deripaska-receives-state-bailout-almost-twice-the-size-allowed-in-Russia.html, accessed 2008 Nov. 12.

Weir, F. (2008 Oct. 21). Crisis spares Russia’s “average Joe.” Christian Science Monitor. http://www.csmonitor.com/2008/1021/p06s02-wogn.html, accessed 2008 Nov. 3.


Russia Intelligencer 2008 November 11

Financial Crisis & Censorship
Russian shares were clobbered in the London and Russian stock markets, losing some 70 percent of their value, in spite of the government’s interventions (Halpin; Vorobieva & Zhdannikov; Weir “Crisis spares”).

Russian media is prohibited from using the words “crisis” and “collapse” in relation to the…events in economy (Bloomfield).

Foreign Affairs: Libya
Colonel Muammar Qaddafi visited with Dimitri Medvedev to discuss the possible placement of a Russian naval base Libya, ostensibly as a shield against attack from the U.S. Russia recently wrote off about $4.6 billion in Libyan debt in exchange for lucrative contracts, including a major rail project (Libya “ready to host Russian naval base”).

Nationalization, especially Energy
The Russian government has been expanding its takeover of major industries and squeezing out foreign companies. Gazprom, the energy conglomerate in which the Russian government holds a majority share, is the appears to be the center of the program and has been awarded exclusive rights to export oil (Weir “Gazprom”).

Opposition Parties
Several opposition parties and figures, including Garry Kasparov, are working to form a group that would seek to protect the Russian constitution (Russian opposition figures).

Russian Justice
A trial of suspects in the murder of journalist Anna Politkovskaya was set to begin. The primary suspect, Chechen native Rustam Makhmudav, is on the lam in Western Europe. Those being tried a conspirators include Makhmudav’s brothers and FSB agent Pavel Ryaguzav. Because Ryaguzav is in the FSB, all the trials will be in secret military courts, though protestors have called for open trials. Politkovskaya was known for reporting on human rights violations in Chechnya (Murder of Russian journalist remembered).

On a related note, the lawyer who once represented Politkovskaya, Karina Moskalenko, found mercury in the car she and her family used after experiencing a sudden decline in health. She has represented several Russian opposition figures. It looks like political assassination is all to common in Russia (Schwirtz & Cowell; Stack; Zarakhovich).

Bloomfield, A. (2008 Oct. 27). Bans, tough talk can’t hide the trouble Russia is in. Sydney Morning Herald. http://www.smh.com.au/news/world/bans-tough-talk-cant-hide-the-trouble-russia-is-in/2008/10/26/1224955853364.html, accessed 2008 Nov. 3.

Halpin, T. (2008 Oct. 20). Russia is well prepared to survive financial crisis says Putin. Times. http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/markets/russia/article4981200.ece, accessed 2008 Nov. 3.

Libya “ready to host Russian naval base.” (2008 Oct. 31). RIA Novosti. http://en.rian.ru/world/20081031/118052964.html, accessed 2008 Nov. 3.

Murder of Russian journalist remembered. (2008 Oct. 7). Agence France-Presse in Inquirer. http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/breakingnews/world/view/20081007-165159/Murder-of-Russian-journalist-remembered, accessed 2008 Nov. 11.

Russian opposition figures for movement to support constituion. (2008 Nov. 6). RIA Novosti. http://en.rian.ru/russia/20081106/118162025.html, accessed 2008 Nov. 11.

Schwirtz, M., & Cowell, A. (2008 Oct. 15). Toxins found in Russian rights lawyer’s car. New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/16/world/europe/16russia.html?_r=1&oref=slogin, accessed 2008 Nov. 11.

Stack, M. (2008 Oct. 16). Lawyer for Russian dissidents may have been poisened. Los Angeles Times. http://www.latimes.com/news/printedition/asection/la-fg-poison16-2008oct16,0,5763910.story, accessed 2008 Nov. 11.

Vorbieva, P., & Zhdannikov, D. (2008 Oct. 13). Russian shares loose gain, await state money. Reuters. http://www.forbes.com/reuters/feeds/reuters/2008/10/13/2008-10-13T165251Z_01_LD209760_RTRIDST_0_RUSSIA-MARKETS-UPDATE-3.html, accessed 2008 Nov. 3.

Weir, F. (2008 Oct. 21). Crisis spares Russia’s “average Joe.” Christian Science Monitor. http://www.csmonitor.com/2008/1021/p06s02-wogn.html, accessed 2008 Nov. 3.

Weir, F. (2007 Jan. 23). Gazprom: Rising star in new Kremlin capitalism. Christian Science Monitor. http://www.csmonitor.com/2007/0123/p01s03-woeu.html, accessed 2008 Nov. 3.

Zarakhovich, Y. (2008 Oct. 19). Murder, Russian style: Political assassination. Time. http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1851854,00.html, accessed 2008 Nov. 11.


Blogspeak 2008 Nov. 3 (Nov. 4 is Election Day)

Final Pew Poll: McCain Closes but Obama Still Leads (Davis, S., Washington Wire, Wall Street Journal, 2008 Nov. 2)
Landslide or close race? (2008 Presidential Election Blog, 2008 Nov.2)
Yes, I've Seen the SurveyUSA Minnesota Poll (Geraght, J., The Campaign Spot, National Review Online, 2008 Nov. 3)

Swing States
McCain plans swing state barnstorming for Monday (You Decide 2008, 2008 Nov. 3)

McCain Intelligencer 2008 Nov. 3 (Nov. 4 is Election Day)

McCain has a slight lead in Ohio (Harnden & Spillius).

Swing States & Vice-Presidential Candidate: Sarah Palin
McCain is campaigning in swing states in the final days of the election including Florida, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Indiana, New Mexico and Nevada. He’ll close his campaign in his home state of Arizona. Palin is campaigning in swing states in the final days of the election including Ohio, Missouri, Iowa, Colorado and Nevada. She’ll close the campaign in her home state of Alaska (Fireman).

Fireman, K. (2008 Nov. 2). Obama and McCain campaign in swing states as race nears close. Bloomberg. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=as.wTY1nJKPI&refer=home, accessed 2008 Nov. 3.

Harnden, T., & Spillius, A. (2008 Nov. 3). Poll gives John McCain glimmer of hope. Telegraph. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/uselection2008/johnmccain/3368308/Poll-gives-John-McCain-glimmer-of-hope.html, accessed 2008 Nov. 3.

Obama Intelligencer 2008 Nov. 3 (Nov. 4 is election day)

Obama leads a in a recent poll in New Hampshire (Poll: Obama with slight lead). Their even, as far as can be determined, in North Dakota, one of several western state with the minimum three electors (Obama, McCain in dead heat). Nationally, an average of recent polls shows Obama as about a 6 percentage point lead (Salant & Sobzcyk).

Swing States & Vice-Presidential Candidate: Joe Biden
Obama is campaigning in swing states in the final days of the election including Florida, North Carolina and Virginia. Biden is campaigning in swing states in the final days of the election including Missouri, Ohio and Pennsylvania (Fireman).

Fireman, K. (2008 Nov. 2). Obama and McCain campaign in swing states as race nears close. Bloomberg. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=as.wTY1nJKPI&refer=home, accessed 2008 Nov. 3.

Obama, McCain in dead heat in North Dakota, poll says. (2008 Oct. 13). Associate Press in Minneapolis Star Journal. http://www.startribune.com/politics/national/president/30891024.html?elr=KArksc8P:Pc:U0ckkD:aEyKUiD3aPc:_Yyc:aUU, accessed 2008 Nov. 1.

Poll: Obama with slight lead over McCain in NH. (2008 Oct. 27). Associated Press in Boston Globe. http://www.boston.com/news/politics/2008/articles/2008/10/27/poll_obama_with_slight_lead_over_mccain_in_nh/, accessed 2008 Oct. 30.

Salant, J., & Sobzcyk, J. (2008 Nov. 2). Obama holds 6-point average lead over McCain in polls. Bloomberg. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aUHtmMRfe.BU&refer=home, accessed 2008 Nov. 3.


Presidential Election Maps

For the visually oriented, here is a list of links to maps parsing the presidential election.

Associated Press (on Boston Globe site), http://www.boston.com/news/politics/2008/specials/2008_electoral_map/

Los Angeles Times, http://www.latimes.com/news/printedition/asection/la-votemap,0,7581942.htmlstory



Biden Intelligencer 2008 November 1

Foreign Affairs
Biden met with Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili in Milwaukee (Borowski).

Biden reported said in an interview on the Ellen DeGeneres Show that he and Obama do not support California Proposition 8, which would define marriage as being between one man and one woman, even though they do not support what some have called “marriage equality” (Melloy).

Biden is like Wikipedia, at least according to CNET readers (Fried).

War in Iraq
Biden’s son, Beau, is being deployed to Iraq with his Army National Guard unit. The younger Biden is Attorney General of Delaware (Finnegan).

Borowoski, G. (2008 Sept. 26). Joe Biden to meet Georgian President Saakashvili at Phister Hotel. Milwaukee Journal-Sentinal. http://www.jsonline.com/news/statepolitics/32483519.html, accessed 2008 Nov. 1.

Finnegan, M. (2008 Oct. 4). Joe Biden bids farewell to son Beau Biden, headed to Iraq. Los Angeles Times. http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/iraq/complete/la-na-trailbiden4-2008oct04,0,4715264.story, accessed 2008 Nov. 1.

Fried, A. (2008 Oct. 10). Friday poll: Which tech product is Joe Biden? CNET. http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-10063395-1.html, accessed 2008 Nov. 1.

Melloy, K. (2008 Oct. 20). Palin supports, Biden opposes marriage equality ban. EDGEBoston. http://www.edgeboston.com/index.php?ch=news&sc=&sc2=news&sc3=&id=82166, accessed 2008 Oct. 29.


Russia Intelligencer 2008 October 30

Russian authorities considering pulling the license of 2x2, a cartoon network, for broadcasting the American cartoons The Simpsons, Family Guy and South Park. The action could be authorized under laws to prohibit extremism (Bloomfield). Action against opposition websites and blogs has also begun under the guise of opposing extremism (Gee).

Nuclear Development: Venezuela
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has stated his interest in working with Russia to develop nuclear power (Chavez interested). The two countries have been practicing joint military operations.

Bloomfield, A. (2008 Sept. 25). Russian to ban Simpsons and South Park. Telegraph. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/russia/3074454/Russia-to-ban-Simpsons-and-South-Park.html, accessed 2008 Oct. 7.

Chavez interested in nuclear help from Russia. (2008 Sept. 28). CNN. http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/americas/09/28/venezuela.russia/, accessed 2008 Oct. 7.

Gee, A. (2008 Sept. 30). Russia’s dissident bloggers fear for their lives. U.S. News & World Report. http://www.usnews.com/articles/news/world/2008/09/30/russias-dissident-bloggers-fear-for-their-lives.html, accessed 2008 Oct. 7.

Blogspeak 2008 October 30

Cloward-Piven Strategy
Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis (Simpson, J., American Thinker, 2008 Sept. 28)

Environment & Infrastructure & McCain
Agreement Reached on Total Coliform Rule Revisions (Infrastructure Watch, 2008 Oct. 30)
Federal Activity on Water Issues (Infrastructure Watch, 2008 Sept. 26)
McCain's environmental pluses more numerous than thought? (McClure, R., Dateline Earth, Seattle PI, 2008 Oct. 20)

Obama’s Questionable, Radical and Socialist Connections
Obama About to Be Hit on Questionable Associates (Tapper, J., Political Punch, ABC News, 2008 Oct. 4)
Palin Goes After Obama-Ayers Connection (Delawala, I., Political Radar, ABC News, 2008 Oct.4)
Subversives for Obama (Phillips, M., The Spectator, 2008 Sept. 26)
Who is Barack Obama, and what does he stand for? (Fiano, Wizbang, 2008 Oct. 11)

Biden and Obama: Charity Cheapskates (Ellis, B., Dakota Voice, 2008 Oct. 5)

Swing States: Virginia
Several Thoughts To Keep in Mind in Virginia (Campaign Spot, National Review Online, 2008 Sept. 29)

McCain Intelligencer 2008 October 30

Abortion and Vice-Presidential Candidate: Sarah Palin
Palin attacked Obama for his stance on abortion, pointing out his opposition to born-alive protection laws in the Illinois Senate. Palin is opposed to abortion except when it threatens the life of the mother (Nephin).

Republicans thought McCain was great. They thought Obama sucked (Walsh).

Financial Market & Housing Crisis
McCain decried the prospect of rescuing financiers from their folly, but said the government intervention was necessary (“Barack Obama”). Instead of buying out the banks, he thinks half the money should be put into buying mortgages directly and renegotiating terms with the lenders (Pickler).

Obama’s Socialist Connections
Some in the Republican party have been disappointed that McCain has not made more of Obama’s long association with Rev. Jeremiah Wright (Bailey, Holmes & Shear).

Swing States: Virginia
McCain’s brother, Joe, may have alienated some in Northern Virginia when he referred to the region as “Communist country” (Ohlemacher).

Bailey, H. (2008 Oct. 18). Do the Wright thing. Newsweek. http://www.newsweek.com/id/164504, accessed 2008 Oct. 28.

Barack Obama. (2008 Sept. 30). Herald Sun. http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,21985,24420898-663,00.html, accessed 2008 Oct. 28.

Holmes, S., & Shear, M. (2008 Oct. 11). McCain mum on former pastor. Washington Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/10/10/AR2008101002897.html, accessed 2008 Oct. 28.

Nephin, D. (2008 Oct. 11). Palin criticizes Obama on abortion at Pa. rally. Associated Press. http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5h21ZbzgPbTVRftcJPT5vkHkonY5QD93OGKAG0, accessed 2008 Oct. 28.

Ohlemacher, S. (2008 Oct. 5). McCain’s brother says N. Va. “Communist country.” Associated Press. http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5hby_5Pku5ywmfC_rEtEV5BcYKR5gD93KFH4O0, accessed 2008 Oct. 28.

Pickler, N. (2008 Oct. 27). Fact Check: Obama charges against McCain debatable. Associate Press in Washington Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/10/27/AR2008102702374.html, accessed 2008 Oct. 30.

Walsh, K. (2008 Sept. 29). Barack Obama and John McCain spin debate performances. U.S. News & World Report. http://www.usnews.com/articles/news/campaign-2008/2008/09/29/barack-obama-and-john-mccain-spin-debate-performances.html, accessed 2008 Oct. 28.


Palin Intelligencer 2008 October 29

Accusations of Gubernatorial Power Abuse
Palin has been accused in abusing her power as governor to manipulate Alaska’s public safety department and remove that departments director along with other bullying behavior. As one might expect, a lot of politicians are weighing in on the issue (Apuzzo).

Some think Palin winks too much, and the LA Times seems fascinated by it (Fiore).

Foreign Policy and the War on Terror
Palin stated she would support attacks on militant targets in Pakistan even after McCain took Obama to task for making similar statements (Palin makes Pakistan terror gaffe).

In an interview with CBN, Palin stated her support for a federal marriage amendment that would define marriage as being between one man and one woman (Palin signals support).

Appuzo, M. (2008 Oct. 6). Republicans to high court: Stop Palin ethics probe. Associated Press. http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5jOTk11gvqDAgD0cY3i4WjI_2YOxwD93L5SVO1, accessed 2008 Oct. 29.

Fiore, F. (2008 Oct. 14). Sarah Palin stirs up controversy with the wink of an eye. Los Angeles Times. http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/news/celebrity/la-et-wink14-2008oct14,0,2337629.story, accessed 2008 Oct. 29.

Palin makes Pakistan terror gaffe. (2008 Sept. 30). Sky News. http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-News/Republican-Sarah-Palin-Makes-Pakistan-Gaffe-Saying-She-Would-Support-Terror-Strikes-On-Country/Article/200809415109630?lpos=World_News_First_Home_Article_Teaser_Region_0&lid=ARTICLE_15109630_Republican_Sarah_Palin_Makes_Pakistan_Gaffe%2C_Saying_She_Would_Support_Terror_Strikes_On_Country, accessed 2008 Oct. 29.

Palin signals support for federal marriage amendment. (2008 Oct. 20). CBN. http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/467179.aspx, accessed 2008 Oct. 29.


Obama Intelligencer 2008 October 28

Assassination Plot
Police have arrested a pair of white supremacists for plotting to kill the black presidential candidate. Former Cuban dictator Fidel Castro is amazed someone hasn’t assassinated Obama because he believes the U.S. to be a very racist nation (Obama under threat).

Democrats thought Obama was great. They thought McCain sucked (Walsh).

A case questioning Obama’s citizenship has been dismissed from a federal court in Philadelphia (Puchas).

Obama has receive the endorsement of the Stockton Record (Choice is clear). Colin Powell has also endorsed the candidate who says he’d like to bring the former general and Secretary of State into the White House as an advisor (Obama would give Powell new role).

Financial Market Crisis
Obama decried the prospect of rescuing financiers from their folly, but said the government intervention was necessary (“Barack Obama”).

Polls and Swing States
A poll shows Obama holds a slight lead in Nevada (Wangsness). He also shows leads in other swing states (Cornwell). A poll of Ohio voters shows Obama leading McCain 49 percent to 46 percent (Naymik).

Socialist Connections
A mainstream newspaper has finally looked into Obama’s connection to William Ayers. They found that, though Obama has downplayed his association with Ayers, the two are not close and Ayers has probably had little influence on the candidate (Shane).

Barack Obama. (2008 Sept. 30). Herald Sun. http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,21985,24420898-663,00.html, accessed 2008 Oct. 28.

Choice is clear: Obama for president. (2008 Sept. 28). Stockton Record. http://www.recordnet.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080928/A_OPINION01/809280301, accessed 2008 Oct. 28.

Cornwell, R. (2008 Oct. 26). McCain can still win (and maybe pigs will fly). Independent. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/mccain-can-still-win-and-maybe-pigs-will-fly-973830.html, accessed 2008 Oct. 28.

Naymik, M. (2008 Oct. 25). Obama leads McCain 49% to 46% in Ohio newspaper poll. Plain Dealer. http://blog.cleveland.com/openers/2008/10/ohio_poll.html, accessed 2008 Oct. 28.

Obama under threat, Castro says (2008 Oct.12). Sky News. http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-News/Fidel-Castro-Says-Its-Miracle-Barack-Obama-Not-Assassinated/Article/200810215118725?lpos=World_News_First_Home_Article_Teaser_Region_1&lid=ARTICLE_15118725_Fidel_Castro_Says_Its_Miracle_Barack_Obama_Not_Assassinated, accessed 2008 Oct. 28.

Obama would give Powell new role (2008 Oct. 20). Press Association. http://ukpress.google.com/article/ALeqM5gH7W22-4I8L-DizOf2XuzwTQM1MQ, accessed 2008 Oct. 28.

Puchas, K. (2008 Oct. 28). Citizenship challenge to Obama dismissed. Philadelphia Times Herald. http://www.timesherald.com/articles/2008/10/28/news/doc49069c804a906934513448.txt, accessed 2008 Oct. 28.

Shane, S. (2008 Oct. 3). Obama and ‘60s bomber: A look into crossed paths. New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/04/us/politics/04ayers.html?_r=1&bl&ex=1223265600&en=80352c05b6d4b135&ei=5087%0A&oref=slogin, accessed 2008 Oct. 28.

Walsh, K. (2008 Sept. 29). Barack Obama and John McCain spin debate performances. U.S. News & World Report. http://www.usnews.com/articles/news/campaign-2008/2008/09/29/barack-obama-and-john-mccain-spin-debate-performances.html, accessed 2008 Oct. 28.

Wangsness, L. (2008 Oct. 5). As economy craters, Nevadans say they’ll gamble on “change.” Boston Globe. http://www.boston.com/news/politics/2008/articles/2008/10/05/as_economy_craters_nevadans_say_theyll_gamble_on_change/, accessed 2008 Oct. 28.


Russia Intelligencer 2008 Sepember 26

Kasparov Warns Against Investment in Russia
In a recent Wall Street Journal piece, Garry Kasparov warns in Russia, where the real law is Vladimir Putin, it’s a great risk for investors to put money into the faux democracy.

International Trade & Nuclear Materials
A committee of the Australian Parliament has recommended not proceeding with a planned sale of uranium to Russia (Aussie committee). (Previously mentioned on OI.)

Aussie committee opposes Russian uranium sales. (2008 Sept. 18). Star. http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2008/9/18/apworld/20080918141159&sec=apworld, accessed 2008 Sept. 26.

Kasparov, G. (2008 Sept. 19). Putin is ruining Russia’s economy. Wall Street Journal. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122178456456654879.html?mod=googlenews_wsj, accessed 2008 Sept. 26.

Blogspeak 2008 September 26

McCain: Obama Has "Not Provided" Leadership on Economic Crisis (Bentley, J., From the Road, CBS News, 2008 Sept. 22)

Obama Endorsement
Obama gets early endorsement (Rhee, F., Political Intelligence, Boston Globe, 2008 Sept. 22)

Vice-Presidential Candidate: Joe Biden
Biden’s Case Against McCain (And Sarah Palin) (Bruns, A., Embedded Producers, Fox News, 2008 Sept. 15)

Vice-Presidential Candidate: Sarah Palin
Gov. Palin on Wall Street (Wright et al, Political Radar, ABC News, 2008 Sept. 15)

Obama Intelligencer 2008 September 26

Campaign Spending and Fundraising
Obama’s campaign raised $66 million in August and has $77 million in the bank, but this is little compared to the goal of $200 million. From a funding point and party coordination point of view, Obama was hurt by the long battle for the Democratic nomination (Cummings, Groppe).

Financial Markets
In light of recent concerns over the financial markets, Obama has called for increased oversight of banks and streamlining of federal regulations over financial institutions (Schroeder).

Cummings, J. (2008 Sept. 14). Obama needs more cash to reach goals. Politico on CBS News. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/09/15/politics/politico/main4448530.shtml, accessed 2008 Sept. 16.

Groppe, M. (2008 Sept. 22). August tops for McCain, Obama fundraising. Indianapolis Star. http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080922/NEWS05/80922039, accessed 2008 Sept. 26.

Schroeder, R. (2008 Sept. 15). Wall Street crisis spurs talk on campaign trail. Market Watch. http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/mccain-obama-urge-reform-wall/story.aspx?guid=%7BEB116219-02C3-4C44-9C94-34BF5B366A4A%7D&dist=msr_1, accessed 2008 Sept. 16.

McCain Intelligencer 2008 September 26

Embryonic Stem Cell Research (Abortion and Health Care)
Supporters and opponents of embryonic stem cell research are concerned about McCain’s position. Opponents of the activity are concerned he may support it based on his voting record in the Senate. Proponents fear he may drop his support based on his selection of Palin and the strong plank to ban it in the Republican Party platform (Gaudiano).

Financial Markets
McCain said it was good that the government decided not to bail out Lehman Brothers and called for reform of disjointed federal financial regulation (Schroeder).

August has been the best month yet for McCain fundraising (Groppe).

A recent poll by the Siena Research Institute found that McCain is gaining in New York, but Obama still leads there (McCain gaining on Obama in New York). Another poll shows McCain leading in Ohio (Fargen). It’s a tie in Minnesota (Von Sternberg). For what its worth, he holds a lead among the Israeli Jewish population (Rosenfelder).

Social Security
McCain proposes to put place Social Security contributions into accounts that could be invested in the stock market. Obama calls the plan gambling (Acosta).

OI Comment: What McCain proposes is similar to what many people have now in their 401(k). Like other uninsured investments, this involves risk. It seems better to OI than Congress doing whatever it wants with the money with a shaky promise that it will pay the promised benefits somehow. It bears a strong resemblance to a Ponzi scheme; OI suspects it’s exactly that. Why not just drop the social security tax and let us do with the money as we will?

Acosta, J. (2008 Sept. 22). Obama: McCain wants to “gamble” with Social Security. CNN. http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/09/22/social.security.candidates/, accessed 2008 Sept. 26.

Fargen, J. (2008 Sept. 15). Suffolk poll shows McCain leading Obama in Ohio. Boston Herald. http://news.bostonherald.com/news/national/politics/2008/view/2008_09_15_Suffolk_poll_shows_McCain_leading_Obama_in_Ohio/srvc=home&position=recent, accessed 2008 Sept. 16.

Gaudiano, N. (2008 Sept. 13). Advocates worry McCain support for embryonic research may waver. USA Today. http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/election2008/2008-09-12-stem-cells-mccain_N.htm, accessed 2008 Sept. 26.

Groppe, M. (2008 Sept. 22). August tops for McCain, Obama fundraising. Indianapolis Star. http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080922/NEWS05/80922039, accessed 2008 Sept. 26.

McCain gaining on Obama in New York. (2008 Sept. 15). Buffalo Business First. http://www.bizjournals.com/buffalo/stories/2008/09/15/daily6.html, accessed 2008 Sept. 16.

Rosenfelder, S. (2008 Sept. 15). JPost.com readers favor McCain over Obama. Jerusalem Post. http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1221467181669&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull, accessed 2008 Sept. 16.

Schroeder, R. (2008 Sept. 15). Wall Street crisis spurs talk on campaign trail. Market Watch. http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/mccain-obama-urge-reform-wall/story.aspx?guid=%7BEB116219-02C3-4C44-9C94-34BF5B366A4A%7D&dist=msr_1, accessed 2008 Sept. 16.

Von Sternberg, B. (2008 Sept. 15). Minnesota poll: Obama, McCain are dead even in state. Minneapolis Star-Tribune. http://www.startribune.com/politics/national/president/28353589.html?elr=KArks7PYDiaK7DUoaK7D_V_eDc87DUiD3aPc:_Yyc:aUU, accessed 2008 Sept. 26.